
Litteratursökning är en viktig och grundläggande del av alla SBU:s rapporter. Sökningarna följer alltid en förutbestämd frågeställning, genomförs i flera databaser och dokumenteras på ett transparent och repeterbart sätt. Samtliga sökningar finns att hitta på SBU:s webbplats under respektive projekt. Sökningarna kan variera i ansats, men alla ska följa vedertagen metodik för respektive produkt.

En sökning till en SBU Utvärderar, som är en fullständig HTA-rapport, syftar till att hitta alla studier som bedöms vara relevanta för frågeställningen. För att möjliggöra detta bör alla relevanta söktermer finnas med och sökningen utförs i ett flertal databaser. Utöver detta används kompletterande sökmetoder, såsom citeringssökning och granskning av relevanta studiers referenslistor.

Metoden för sökningarna beskrivs i detalj i SBU:s metodbok. Sökarbetet i projekten drivs av en informationsspecialist i nära samarbete med övriga projektgruppen. Litteratursökningarna granskas med hjälp av PRESS 2015 Checklist.

Övriga uppgifter för SBU inom litteratursökning:

  • samverkan med andra organisationer, både nationellt och internationellt.
  • undervisning i litteratursökning till systematiska översikter.
  • utveckling av metoder och rutiner kopplat till litteratursökning till systematiska översikter. Flertalet av dessa utvecklingsprojekt har genom åren presenterats eller publicerats i olika sammanhang. Nedan presenteras ett axplock av dessa.


Epistemonikos och KSR Evidence: hur användbara de är för SBU:s kartläggningsprojekt?


Global Evidence Summit, Prag 2024:

Cochrane Colloquium, London 2023:

European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL), Lodz 2020:

What Works Global Summit, Belfast 2016:


Nätverket för systematisk sökning i vetenskaplig kontekt (SSIVK), Stockholm 2024:

Nätverket för systematisk sökning i vetenskaplig kontekt (SSIVK), digitalt 2022:

Nätverket för systematisk sökning i vetenskaplig kontekt (SSIVK), digitalt 2020:

Medicinska bibliotekskonferensen, Stockholm 2019:


Sökfilter: RCT

Kommentar ISSG presenterar tre olika filter: Glanville 2019, SiGN och Wong 2006. Glanville et al. och Wong har liknande sensitivitet, men Glanvilles et al. har högre precision. Även SiGN har sämre precision. Glanville 2019-filtret kallas The Cochrane CINAHL Plus filter.
CINAHL via Ebsco
Studiedesign RCT
Uppdaterad 2021-12-20
Sökfilter MH "Randomized Controlled Trials+" OR MH "Double-Blind Studies" OR MH "Single-Blind Studies" OR MH "Random Assignment" OR MH "Pretest-Posttest Design+" OR MH "Cluster Sample" OR MH "Sample Size" OR MH "Crossover Design" OR MH "Comparative Studies" OR MH "Placebos" OR PT (Randomized Controlled Trial) OR TI (randomised OR randomized) OR AB (random*) OR TI (trial) OR AB (assigned OR allocated OR control) OR AB (control W5 group) OR AB (cluster W3 rct)
Referens Glanville J, Dooley G, Wisniewski S, Foxlee R, Noel-Storr A. Development of a search filter to identify reports of controlled clinical trials within CINAHL Plus. Health Info Libr J. 2019;36(1):73-90. Available from:


Kommentar Glanville publicerade 2019 en artikel om en översättning av ett RCT-filter för OVID till (se referens ovan). Länk till filter. CADTH och SIGN har var för sig skapat filter för Embase OVID.The Revised Cochrane Embase RCT filter developed for är det enda validerade EMBASE-filtret framtaget för
Embase via
Studiedesign RCT
Uppdaterad 2021-12-20
Sökfilter (radvis) 1. 'randomized controlled trial'/exp
2. 'controlled clinical trial'/de
3. random*:ti,ab,tt
4. 'randomization'/de
5. 'intermethod comparison'/de
6. placebo:ti,ab,tt
7. (compare:ti,tt OR compared:ti,tt OR comparison:ti,tt)
8. ((evaluated:ab OR evaluate:ab OR evaluating:ab OR assessed:ab OR assess:ab) AND (compare:ab OR compared:ab OR comparing:ab OR comparison:ab))
9. (open NEXT/1 label):ti,ab,tt
10. ((double OR single OR doubly OR singly) NEXT/1 (blind OR blinded OR blindly)):ti,ab,tt
11. 'double blind procedure'/de
12. (parallel NEXT/1 group*):ti,ab,tt
13. (crossover:ti,ab,tt OR 'cross over':ti,ab,tt)
14. ((assign* OR match OR matched OR allocation) NEAR/6 (alternate OR group OR groups OR intervention OR interventions OR patient OR patients OR subject OR subjects OR participant OR participants)):ti,ab,tt
15. (assigned:ti,ab,tt OR allocated:ti,ab,tt)
16. (controlled NEAR/8 (study OR design OR trial)):ti,ab,tt
17. (volunteer:ti,ab,tt OR volunteers:ti,ab,tt)
18. 'human experiment'/de
19. Trial:ti,tt
20. #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19
21. (((random* NEXT/1 sampl* NEAR/8 ('cross section*' OR questionnaire* OR survey OR surveys OR database or databases)):ti,ab,tt) NOT ('comparative study'/de OR 'controlled study'/de OR 'randomised controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'randomized controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'randomly assigned':ti,ab,tt))
22. ('cross‐sectional study'/de NOT ('randomized controlled trial'/exp OR 'controlled clinical trial'/de OR 'controlled study'/de OR 'randomised controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'randomized controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'control group':ti,ab,tt OR 'control groups':ti,ab,tt))
23. (‘case control*’:ti,ab,tt AND random*:ti,ab,tt NOT (‘randomised controlled’:ti,ab,tt OR ‘randomized controlled’:ti,ab,tt))
24. ('systematic review':ti,tt NOT (trial:ti,tt OR study:ti,tt))
25. (nonrandom*:ti,ab,tt NOT random*:ti,ab,tt)
26. 'random field*':ti,ab,tt
27. ('random cluster' NEAR/4 sampl*):ti,ab,tt
28. (review:ab AND review:it NOT trial:ti,tt)
29. ('we searched':ab AND (review:ti,tt OR review:it))
30. 'update review':ab
31. (databases NEAR/5 searched):ab
32. ((rat:ti,tt OR rats:ti,tt OR mouse:ti,tt OR mice:ti,tt OR swine:ti,tt OR porcine:ti,tt OR murine:ti,tt OR sheep:ti,tt OR lambs:ti,tt OR pigs:ti,tt OR piglets:ti,tt OR rabbit:ti,tt OR rabbits:ti,tt OR cat:ti,tt OR cats:ti,tt OR dog:ti,tt OR dogs:ti,tt OR cattle:ti,tt OR bovine:ti,tt OR monkey:ti,tt OR monkeys:ti,tt OR trout:ti,tt OR marmoset*:ti,tt) AND 'animal experiment'/de)
33. ('animal experiment'/de NOT ('human experiment'/de OR 'human'/de))
34. #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33
35. #20 NOT #34
Sökfilter (block) ('randomized controlled trial'/exp OR 'controlled clinical trial'/de OR random*:ti,ab,tt OR 'randomization'/de OR 'intermethod comparison'/de OR placebo:ti,ab,tt OR compare:ti,tt OR compared:ti,tt OR comparison:ti,tt OR ((evaluated:ab OR evaluate:ab OR evaluating:ab OR assessed:ab OR assess:ab) AND (compare:ab OR compared:ab OR comparing:ab OR comparison:ab)) OR ((open NEXT/1 label):ti,ab,tt) OR (((double OR single OR doubly OR singly) NEXT/1 (blind OR blinded OR blindly)):ti,ab,tt) OR 'double blind procedure'/de OR ((parallel NEXT/1 group*):ti,ab,tt) OR crossover:ti,ab,tt OR 'cross over':ti,ab,tt OR (((assign* OR match OR matched OR allocation) NEAR/6 (alternate OR group OR groups OR intervention OR interventions OR patient OR patients OR subject OR subjects OR participant OR participants)):ti,ab,tt) OR assigned:ti,ab,tt OR allocated:ti,ab,tt OR ((controlled NEAR/8 (study OR design OR trial)):ti,ab,tt) OR volunteer:ti,ab,tt OR volunteers:ti,ab,tt OR 'human experiment'/de OR trial:ti,tt) NOT (((random* NEXT/1 sampl* NEAR/8 ('cross section*' OR questionnaire* OR survey OR surveys OR database OR databases)):ti,ab,tt) NOT ('comparative study'/de OR 'controlled study'/de OR 'randomised controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'randomized controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'randomly assigned':ti,ab,tt) OR ('cross‐sectional study' NOT ('randomized controlled trial'/exp OR 'controlled clinical trial'/de OR 'controlled study'/de OR 'randomised controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'randomized controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'control group':ti,ab,tt OR 'control groups':ti,ab,tt)) OR ('case control*':ti,ab,tt AND random*:ti,ab,tt NOT ('randomised controlled':ti,ab,tt OR 'randomized controlled':ti,ab,tt)) OR ('systematic review':ti,tt NOT (trial:ti,tt OR study:ti,tt)) OR (nonrandom*:ti,ab,tt NOT random*:ti,ab,tt) OR 'random field*':ti,ab,tt OR (('random cluster' NEAR/4 sampl*):ti,ab,tt) OR (review:ab AND review:it NOT trial:ti,tt) OR ('we searched':ab AND (review:ti,tt OR review:it)) OR 'update review':ab OR ((databases NEAR/5 searched):ab) OR ((rat:ti,tt OR rats:ti,tt OR mouse:ti,tt OR mice:ti,tt OR swine:ti,tt OR porcine:ti,tt OR murine:ti,tt OR sheep:ti,tt OR lambs:ti,tt OR pigs:ti,tt OR piglets:ti,tt OR rabbit:ti,tt OR rabbits:ti,tt OR cat:ti,tt OR cats:ti,tt OR dog:ti,tt OR dogs:ti,tt OR cattle:ti,tt OR bovine:ti,tt OR monkey:ti,tt OR monkeys:ti,tt OR trout:ti,tt OR marmoset*:ti,tt) AND 'animal experiment'/de) OR ('animal experiment'/de NOT ('human experiment'/de OR 'human'/de)))
Referens Glanville J, Foxlee R, Wisniewski S, Noel-Storr A, Edwards M, Dooley G. Translating the Cochrane EMBASE RCT filter from the Ovid interface to a case study. Health Info Libr J. 2019 Sep;36(3):264-277. Available from: Erratum in: Health Info Libr J. 2020 Dec;37(4):351.


Kommentar Kontrollerad vokabulär bygger på kontroll av indexering för artiklar med termer för RCT i titeln; fritextdelen är tagen från Glanvilles CINAHL-filter.
ERIC via Ebsco
Studiedesign RCT
Uppdaterad 2021-12-20
Sökfilter (DE "Randomized Controlled Trials" OR DE "Program Effectiveness" OR DE "Pretests Posttests" OR DE "Sample Size" OR DE "Effect Size" OR DE "Comparative Analysis" OR DE "Control Groups" OR DE "Experimental Groups" OR DE "Matched Groups") OR TI (randomised OR randomized) OR AB (random*) OR TI (trial) OR AB (assigned OR allocated OR control) OR AB (control W5 group) OR AB (cluster W3 rct)
Referens Inget validerat filter identifierat.


Kommentar I en artikel från 2020 validerar Glanville e al. två Cochrane-filter och kommer till slutsatsen att de fortfarande håller hög kvalitet. Med en guldstandard på 27 617 referenser jämfördes prestandan mot 36 andra RCT-filter. Sensitivity-maximizing RCT filter har en sensitivitet på 0.96 och en precision på 0.14. Sensitivity- and precision-maximizing RCT filter har en sensitivitet på 0.93 och en precision på 0.46. Utifrån denna info utgår vi främst från det mest sensitiva filtret, men av olika orsaker (exempelvis om man inte har någon läkemedelsaspekt i sökningen) så är det sensitivitets/precisionsmaximerande filtret även användbart. På ISSG finns även andra RCT-filter för Medline, men få som är validerade.
Medline via OVID
Studiedesign RCT
Uppdaterad 2021-12-20
Sökfilter: Sensitivity-maximizing version (radvis) 1. Randomized Controlled
2. Controlled Clinical
3. Clinical trial, Phase
4. (randomized or randomised).ab.
5. placebo.ab.
6. Drug Therapy.fs.
7. randomly.ab.
8. trial.ab.
9. groups.ab.
10. ("phase 3" or "phase3" or "phase iii" or p3 or "piii").ti,ab,kw.
11. or/1-10
12. exp Animals/ not Humans/
13. 11 not 12
Sökfilter: Sensitivity-maximizing version (block) (Randomized Controlled OR Controlled Clinical OR Clinical Trial, Phase OR ((randomized or randomised).ab.) OR placebo.ab. OR Drug Therapy.fs. OR randomly.ab. OR trial.ab. OR groups.ab. OR (("phase 3" or "phase3" or "phase iii" or p3 or "piii").ti,ab,kw.)) NOT (exp Animals/ not Humans/)
Referens Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategy for identifying randomized trials in MEDLINE: sensitivity-maximizing version (2008 revision); Ovid format. The Cochrane Collaboration; 2008. Available from: With modifications, the following terms are added: clinical trial, phase ; randomised.ab. ; ("phase 3" or "phase3" or "phase iii" or p3 or "piii").ti,ab,kw.
Sökfilter: Sensitivity and precision maximizing version (radvis) 1. Randomized Controlled
2. Controlled Clinical
3. Clinical Trial, Phase
4. (randomized or randomised).ab.
5. placebo.ab.
6. Clinical Trials as
7. randomly.ab.
8. trial.ti.
9. ("phase 3" or "phase3" or "phase iii" or p3 or "piii").ti,ab,kw.
10. or/1-9
11. exp Animals/ not
12. 10 not 11
Sökfilter: Sensitivity and precision maximizing version (block) (randomized controlled OR controlled clinical OR clinical trial, phase OR ((randomized or randomised).ab.) OR placebo.ab. OR clinical trials as OR randomly.ab. OR trial.ti. OR (("phase 3" or "phase3" or "phase iii" or p3 or "piii").ti,ab,kw.)) NOT (exp Animals/ not
Referens Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategy for identifying randomized trials in MEDLINE: sensitivity- and precision-maximizing version (2008 revision); Ovid format. The Cochrane Collaboration; 2008. Available from: With modifications, the following terms are added: clinical trial, phase ; randomised.ab. ; ("phase 3" or "phase3" or "phase III" or p3 or "pIII").ti,ab,kw.


PsycINFO via Ebsco
Studiedesign RCT
Uppdaterad 2021-12-20
Sökfilter (radvis) 1. MR "Treatment Outcome" OR MR "Clinical Trial" OR DE "Clinical Trials" OR DE Placebo
2. TX((randomi?ed) N3 (study OR trial OR design OR method* OR test* OR assessment)) OR TX((random*) N3 (assign* or alloca*)) OR TX((singl* OR doubl* OR tripl* OR trebl*) N3 (blind* OR dumm* OR mask*)) OR TX(clinical W2 trial*) OR TX((singl* OR doubl* OR treb* OR tripl*) W2 (blind* OR mask*)) OR TX(placebo*) OR TX(randomly allocated) OR TX(allocated N2 random*) OR AB(randomi?ed N6 n=) OR TI(controlled W3 trial*) OR AB(controlled W3 trial*)
3. S1 OR S2
Referens Inget validerat filter identifierat.


Studiedesign RCT
Uppdaterad 2021-12-20
Sökfilter INDEXTERMS ( "clinical trials" OR "clinical trials as a topic" OR "randomized controlled trial" OR "randomized controlled trials as topic" OR "controlled clinical trial" OR "controlled clinical trials" OR "random allocation" OR "double-blind method" OR "single-blind method" OR "cross-over studies" OR "placebos" OR "multicenter study" OR "double blind procedure" OR "single blind procedure" OR "crossover procedure" OR "clinical trial" OR "controlled study" OR "randomization" OR "placebo" ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "clinical trials" OR "randomized controlled trial" OR "randomized controlled trials" OR "controlled clinical trial" OR "controlled clinical trials" OR "random allocation" OR "randomly allocated" OR "allocated randomly" OR "double-blind method" OR "single-blind method" OR "cross-over studies" OR placebo* OR "cross-over trial" OR "single blind" OR "double blind" OR "factorial design" OR "factorial trial" ) OR TITLE ( trial* OR rct OR randomised* OR randomized* )
Referens Inget validerat filter identifierat.

Sökfilter: systematiska översikter

Kommentar Den breda söksträngen är en kombination av publikationstyper och kontrollerad vokabulär som dyker upp vid titelsökning (systematic review OR meta analysis OR metaanalysis OR health technology assessment OR hta) samt fritext från följande tre filter:
1. University of Texas Ebsco CINAHL filter.
2. Salvador-Oliván et al. Development of an efficient search filter to retrieve systematic reviews from PubMed. J Med Libr Assoc. 2021 Oct 1;109(4):561-574.
3. CADTH Search Filters Database: SR / MA / HTA / ITC - PubMed
CINAHL via Ebsco
Studiedesign Systematisk översikt
Uppdaterad 2022-02-09
Sökfilter: bred (radvis) 1. (MH "Systematic Review" OR ZT "systematic review" OR MH "Meta Analysis" OR ZT "Meta analysis" OR (JN "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews"))
2. (TI (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (integrative N3 review)) OR (AB (integrative N3 review)) OR (TI (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (AB (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (TI (information N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (information N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (data N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 extract*)) OR (AB (data N2 extract*)) OR (TI (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) OR (AB (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase))
3. TI ("systematic overview*" OR "systemic review*" OR "scoping review" OR "scoping literature review" OR "mapping review" OR "umbrella review*" OR ("review of reviews" OR "overview of reviews") OR meta-review OR ("integrative overview" OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR "quantitative review" OR "quantitative synthesis" OR meta-ethnography OR "research synthesis") OR "systematic literature search" OR "systematic literature research" OR "evidence-based review" OR "evidence synthesis")
4. TI ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*") OR AB ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*")
5. S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4
6. MH "Case Studies" OR ZT "Commentary" OR ZT "Editorial" OR ZT "Letter"
7. S5 NOT S6
Sökfilter: bred (block) (((MH "Systematic Review" OR ZT "systematic review" OR MH "Meta Analysis" OR ZT "Meta Analysis" OR (JN "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews")) OR (TI (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (integrative N3 review)) OR (AB (integrative N3 review)) OR (TI (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (AB (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (TI (information N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (information N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (data N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 extract*)) OR (AB (data N2 extract*)) OR (TI (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) OR (AB (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) OR TI ("systematic overview*" OR "systemic review*" OR "scoping review" OR "scoping literature review" OR "mapping review" OR "umbrella review*" OR ("review of reviews" OR "overview of reviews") OR meta-review OR ("integrative overview" OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR "quantitative review" OR "quantitative synthesis" OR meta-ethnography OR "research synthesis") OR "systematic literature search" OR "systematic literature research" OR "evidence-based review" OR "evidence synthesis") OR TI ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*") OR AB ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*")) NOT (MH "Case Studies" OR ZT "Commentary" OR ZT "Editorial" OR ZT "Letter"))
Sökfilter: smal (radvis) 1. (MH "Systematic Review" OR ZT "systematic review" OR MH "Meta Analysis" OR ZT "Meta Analysis")
2. TI((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR AB((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*)
3. S1 OR S2
Sökfilter: smal (block) ((MH "Systematic Review" OR ZT "systematic review" OR MH "Meta Analysis" OR ZT "Meta Analysis") OR TI((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR AB((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*))
Referens Inget validerat filter identifierat.


Kommentar Den breda söksträngen är en kombination av publikationstyper och kontrollerad vokabulär som dyker upp vid titelsökning (systematic review OR meta analysis OR metaanalysis OR health technology assessment OR hta) samt fritext från följande tre filter:
1. University of Texas Ebsco CINAHL filter.
2. Salvador-Oliván et al. Development of an efficient search filter to retrieve systematic reviews from PubMed. J Med Libr Assoc. 2021 Oct 1;109(4):561-574.
3. CADTH Search Filters Database: SR / MA / HTA / ITC - PubMed Avau et al. har validerat en översättning av ett SIGN-filter från OVID-syntax till Med en relativt liten gold standard (70 artiklar) nådde de en sensitivitet på 91%. SBU har dock valt att gå på linjen att försöka nå en likhet och balans för våra sökningar efter systematiska översikter i olika databaser, såtillvida det inte existerar ett ytterst väl presterande och validerat befintligt filter
Embase via
Studiedesign Systematiska översikter
Uppdaterad 2022-02-09
Sökfilter: bred (radvis) 1. 'systematic review'/de
2. 'meta analysis'/de
3. [cochrane review]/lim
4. 'biomedical technology assessment'/de
5. ((systematic* NEAR/4 review*) OR (systematic* NEAR/4 bibliographic*) OR (systematic* NEAR/4 literature) OR (comprehensive* NEAR/4 literature) OR (comprehensive* NEAR/4 bibliographic*) OR (integrative NEAR/4 review) OR meta-analy* OR metaanaly* OR (information NEAR/3 synthesis) OR (data NEAR/3 synthesis) OR (data NEAR/3 extract*) OR (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo NOT 'psycinfo database') OR 'web of science' OR scopus OR embase)):ti,ab
6. ('systematic overview*' OR 'systemic review*' OR 'scoping review' OR 'scoping literature review' OR 'mapping review' OR 'umbrella review*' OR ('review of reviews' OR 'overview of reviews') OR meta-review OR ('integrative overview' OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR 'quantitative review' OR 'quantitative synthesis' OR meta-ethnography OR 'research synthesis') OR 'systematic literature search' OR 'systematic literature research' OR 'evidence-based review' OR 'evidence synthesis'):ti
7. ('research overview*' OR 'collaborative review*' OR 'collaborative overview*' OR 'technology assessment*' OR 'technology overview*' OR 'technology appraisal*' OR hta OR htas OR 'methodological overview*' OR 'methodologic overview*' OR 'methodological review*' OR 'methodologic review*' OR 'quantitative overview*'):ti,ab
8. #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7
9. 'case report'/de OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it
10. #8 NOT #9
Sökfilter: bred (block) (('systematic review'/de OR 'meta analysis'/de OR [cochrane review]/lim OR 'biomedical technology assessment'/de OR (((systematic* NEAR/4 review*) OR (systematic* NEAR/4 bibliographic*) OR (systematic* NEAR/4 literature) OR (comprehensive* NEAR/4 literature) OR (comprehensive* NEAR/4 bibliographic*) OR (integrative NEAR/4 review) OR meta-analy* OR metaanaly* OR (information NEAR/3 synthesis) OR (data NEAR/3 synthesis) OR (data NEAR/3 extract*) OR (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo NOT 'psycinfo database') OR 'web of science' OR scopus OR embase)):ti,ab) OR (('systematic overview*' OR 'systemic review*' OR 'scoping review' OR 'scoping literature review' OR 'mapping review' OR 'umbrella review*' OR ('review of reviews' OR 'overview of reviews') OR meta-review OR ('integrative overview' OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR 'quantitative review' OR 'quantitative synthesis' OR meta-ethnography OR 'research synthesis') OR 'systematic literature search' OR 'systematic literature research' OR 'evidence-based review' OR 'evidence synthesis'):ti) OR (('research overview*' OR 'collaborative review*' OR 'collaborative overview*' OR 'technology assessment*' OR 'technology overview*' OR 'technology appraisal*' OR hta OR htas OR 'methodological overview*' OR 'methodologic overview*' OR 'methodological review*' OR 'methodologic review*' OR 'quantitative overview*'):ti,ab)) NOT ('case report'/de OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it))
Sökfilter: smal (radvis) 1. 'systematic review'/de
2. 'meta analysis'/de
3. [cochrane review]/lim
4. ((systematic NEAR/4 review) OR 'meta analys*' OR metaanalys*):ti,ab
5. #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4
Sökfilter: smal (block) ('systematic review'/de OR 'meta analysis'/de OR [cochrane review]/lim OR (((systematic NEAR/4 review) OR 'meta analys*' OR metaanalys*):ti,ab))
Referens Inget validerat filter identifierat.


Kommentar Den breda söksträngen är en kombination av publikationstyper och kontrollerad vokabulär som dyker upp vid titelsökning (systematic review OR meta analysis OR metaanalysis OR health technology assessment OR hta) samt fritext från följande tre filter:
1. University of Texas Ebsco CINAHL filter.
2. Salvador-Oliván et al. Development of an efficient search filter to retrieve systematic reviews from PubMed. J Med Libr Assoc. 2021 Oct 1;109(4):561-574.
3. CADTH Search Filters Database: SR / MA / HTA / ITC - PubMed
ERIC via Ebsco
Studiedesign Systematiska översikter
Uppdaterad 2022-03-07
Söksträng: bred (radvis) 1. (DE "Meta Analysis") OR (DE "Literature Reviews") OR (DE "State of the Art Reviews")
2. (TI (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (integrative N3 review)) OR (AB (integrative N3 review)) OR (TI (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (AB (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (TI (information N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (information N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (data N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 extract*)) OR (AB (data N2 extract*)) OR (TI (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) OR (AB (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase))
3. TI ("systematic overview*" OR "systemic review*" OR "scoping review" OR "scoping literature review" OR "mapping review" OR "umbrella review*" OR ("review of reviews" OR "overview of reviews") OR meta-review OR ("integrative overview" OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR "quantitative review" OR "quantitative synthesis" OR meta-ethnography OR "research synthesis") OR "systematic literature search" OR "systematic literature research" OR "evidence-based review" OR "evidence synthesis")
4. TI ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*") OR AB ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*")
5. 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4
Söksträng: bred (block) ( (DE "Meta Analysis") OR (DE "Literature Reviews") OR (DE "State of the Art Reviews") ) OR ( TI ("systematic overview*" OR "systemic review*" OR "scoping review" OR "scoping literature review" OR "mapping review" OR "umbrella review*" OR ("review of reviews" OR "overview of reviews") OR meta-review OR ("integrative overview" OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR "quantitative review" OR "quantitative synthesis" OR meta-ethnography OR "research synthesis") OR "systematic literature search" OR "systematic literature research" OR "evidence-based review" OR "evidence synthesis") ) OR ( (TI (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (integrative N3 review)) OR (AB (integrative N3 review)) OR (TI (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (AB (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (TI (information N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (information N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (data N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 extract*)) OR (AB (data N2 extract*)) OR (TI (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) OR (AB (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) ) OR ( TI ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*") OR AB ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*") )
Söksträng: smal (radvis) 1. DE "Meta Analysis"
2. TI((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR AB((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*)
3. S1 OR S2
Söksträng: smal (block) (DE "Meta Analysis") OR TI((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR AB((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*)
Referens Inget validerat filter identifierat.


Kommentar Den breda söksträngen är en kombination av publikationstyper och kontrollerad vokabulär som dyker upp vid titelsökning (systematic review OR meta analysis OR metaanalysis OR health technology assessment OR hta) samt fritext från följande tre filter:
1. University of Texas Ebsco CINAHL filter.
2. Salvador-Oliván et al. Development of an efficient search filter to retrieve systematic reviews from PubMed. J Med Libr Assoc. 2021 Oct 1;109(4):561-574.
3. CADTH Search Filters Database: SR / MA / HTA / ITC - PubMed
Medline via OVID
Studiedesign Systematiska översikter
Uppdaterad 2021-07-02
Sökfilter: bred (radvis) 1. Systematic Review/ or Meta-Analysis/ or Cochrane Database Syst Rev.ja. or
Meta-Analysis as Topic/ or Network Meta-Analysis/ or Technology Assessment, Biomedical/ or Systematic Reviews as Topic/
2. ((systematic* adj4 review*) or (systematic* adj4 bibliographic*) or (systematic* adj4 literature) or (comprehensive* adj4 literature) or (comprehensive* adj4 bibliographic*) or (integrative adj4 review) or (integrative adj4 review) or (meta-analy* or metaanaly*) or (information adj3 synthesis) or (data adj3 synthesis) or (data adj3 extract*) or (medline or pubmed or psyclit or cinahl or (psycinfo not psycinfo database) or web of science or scopus or embase)).ab,bt,ti.
3. (systematic overview* or systemic review* or scoping review or scoping literature review or mapping review or umbrella review* or review of reviews or overview of reviews or meta-review or integrative overview or meta-synthesis or metasynthesis or quantitative review or quantitative synthesis or meta-ethnography or research synthesis or systematic literature search or systematic literature research or evidence-based review or evidence synthesis).bt,ti.
4. (research overview* or collaborative review* or collaborative overview* or technology assessment* or technology overview* or technology appraisal* or hta or htas or methodological overview* or methodologic overview* or methodological review* or methodologic review* or quantitative overview*).ab,bt,ti.
5. 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4
6. Editorial/ or Letter/ or Case Reports/
7. 5 NOT 6
Sökfilter: bred (block) (Systematic Review/ or Meta-Analysis/ or Cochrane Database Syst Rev.ja. or Meta-Analysis as Topic/ or Network Meta-Analysis/ or Technology Assessment, Biomedical/ or Systematic Reviews as Topic/ or ((systematic* adj4 review*) or (systematic* adj4 bibliographic*) or (systematic* adj4 literature) or (comprehensive* adj4 literature) or (comprehensive* adj4 bibliographic*) or (integrative adj4 review) or (integrative adj4 review) or (meta-analy* or metaanaly*) or (information adj3 synthesis) or (data adj3 synthesis) or (data adj3 extract*) or (medline or pubmed or psyclit or cinahl or (psycinfo not psycinfo database) or web of science or scopus or embase)).ab,bt,ti. or (systematic overview* or systemic review* or scoping review or scoping literature review or mapping review or umbrella review* or review of reviews or overview of reviews or meta-review or integrative overview or meta-synthesis or metasynthesis or quantitative review or quantitative synthesis or meta-ethnography or research synthesis or systematic literature search or systematic literature research or evidence-based review or evidence synthesis).bt,ti. or (research overview* or collaborative review* or collaborative overview* or technology assessment* or technology overview* or technology appraisal* or hta or htas or methodological overview* or methodologic overview* or methodological review* or methodologic review* or quantitative overview*).ab,bt,ti.) NOT (Editorial/ or Letter/ or Case Reports/)
Sökfilter: smal (radvis) 1. Systematic Review/ or Meta-Analysis/ or Cochrane Database Syst Rev.ja.
2. ((systematic adj4 review) or meta analys* or metaanalys*).ti,bt,ab.
3. 1 OR 2
Sökfilter: smal (block) Systematic Review/ or Meta-Analysis/ or Cochrane Database Syst Rev.ja. or ((systematic adj4 review) or meta analys* or metaanalys*).ti,bt,ab.
Referens Inget validerat sökfilter identifierat.
PsycINFO via Ebsco
Kommentar Den breda söksträngen är en kombination av publikationstyper och kontrollerad vokabulär som dyker upp vid titelsökning (systematic review OR meta analysis OR metaanalysis OR health technology assessment OR hta) samt fritext från följande tre filter:
1. University of Texas Ebsco CINAHL filter.
2. Salvador-Oliván et al. Development of an efficient search filter to retrieve systematic reviews from PubMed. J Med Libr Assoc. 2021 Oct 1;109(4):561-574.
3. CADTH Search Filters Database: SR / MA / HTA / ITC - PubMed
Studiedesign Systematiska översikter
Uppdaterad 2022-03-03
Sökfilter: bred (radvis) 1. (DE "Meta Analysis" OR DE "Systematic Review" OR KW "Health technology assessment" OR KW "meta-analysis" OR KW "systematic review" OR MA "Meta-Analysis" OR MA "Systematic Review" OR MA "Technology Assessment, Biomedical" OR MR "Meta Analysis" OR MR "Systematic Review")
2. (TI (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (integrative N3 review)) OR (AB (integrative N3 review)) OR (TI (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (AB (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (TI (information N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (information N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (data N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 extract*)) OR (AB (data N2 extract*)) OR (TI (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) OR (AB (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase))
3. TI ("systematic overview*" OR "systemic review*" OR "scoping review" OR "scoping literature review" OR "mapping review" OR "umbrella review*" OR ("review of reviews" OR "overview of reviews") OR meta-review OR ("integrative overview" OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR "quantitative review" OR "quantitative synthesis" OR meta-ethnography OR "research synthesis") OR "systematic literature search" OR "systematic literature research" OR "evidence-based review" OR "evidence synthesis")
4. TI ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*") OR AB ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*")
5. S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4
6. DE "Case Report"
7. S5 NOT S6
Sökfilter: bred (block) (((DE "Meta Analysis" OR DE "Systematic Review" OR KW "health technology assessment" OR KW "Meta-analysis" OR KW "Systematic review" OR MA "Meta-Analysis" OR MA "Systematic Review" OR MA "Technology Assessment, Biomedical" OR MR "Meta Analysis" OR MR "Systematic Review") OR (TI (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 review*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (AB (systematic* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 literature)) OR (TI (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (AB (comprehensive* N3 bibliographic*)) OR (TI (integrative N3 review)) OR (AB (integrative N3 review)) OR (TI (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (AB (meta-analy* OR metaanaly*)) OR (TI (information N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (information N2 synthesis)) OR (AB (data N2 synthesis)) OR (TI (data N2 extract*)) OR (AB (data N2 extract*)) OR (TI (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) OR (AB (medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase)) OR TI ("systematic overview*" OR "systemic review*" OR "scoping review" OR "scoping literature review" OR "mapping review" OR "umbrella review*" OR ("review of reviews" OR "overview of reviews") OR meta-review OR ("integrative overview" OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR "quantitative review" OR "quantitative synthesis" OR meta-ethnography OR "research synthesis") OR "systematic literature search" OR "systematic literature research" OR "evidence-based review" OR "evidence synthesis") OR TI ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*") OR AB ("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*")) NOT (DE "Case Report"))
Sökfilter: smal (radvis) 1. (DE "Meta Analysis" OR DE "Systematic Review" OR KW "Meta-analysis" OR KW "Systematic review" OR MA "Meta-Analysis" OR MA "Systematic Review" OR MR "Meta Analysis" OR MR "Systematic Review")
3. TI((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR AB((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*)
3. S1 OR S2
Sökfilter: smal (block) ((DE "Meta Analysis" OR DE "Systematic Review" OR KW "Meta-analysis" OR KW "Systematic review" OR MA "Meta-Analysis" OR MA "Systematic Review" OR MR "Meta Analysis" OR MR "Systematic Review") OR TI((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR AB((systematic N3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*))
Referens Inget validerat filter identifierat.
Kommentar Den breda söksträngen är en kombination av publikationstyper och kontrollerad vokabulär som dyker upp vid titelsökning (systematic review OR meta analysis OR metaanalysis OR health technology assessment OR hta) samt fritext från följande tre filter:
1. University of Texas Ebsco CINAHL filter.
2. Salvador-Oliván et al. Development of an efficient search filter to retrieve systematic reviews from PubMed. J Med Libr Assoc. 2021 Oct 1;109(4):561-574.
3. CADTH Search Filters Database: SR / MA / HTA / ITC - PubMed
Studiedesign Systematiska översikter
Uppdaterad 2022-03-02
Sökfilter: bred (radvis) 1. INDEXTERMS("systematic review" OR "meta analysis" OR "biomedical technology assessment" OR "network meta-analysis" OR "technology assessment, biomedical" OR "systematic reviews as topic")
2. KEY("systematic review" OR "meta analysis" OR "health technology assessment")
3. TITLE-ABS((systematic* W/3 review*) OR (systematic* W/3 bibliographic*) OR (systematic* W/3 literature) OR (comprehensive* W/3 literature) OR (comprehensive* W/3 bibliographic*) OR (integrative W/3 review) OR meta-analy* OR metaanaly* OR (information W/2 synthesis) OR (data W/2 synthesis) OR (data W/2 extract*) OR medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR psycinfo OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase )
4. TITLE("systematic overview*" OR "systemic review*" OR "scoping review" OR "scoping literature review" OR "mapping review" OR "umbrella review*" OR ("review of reviews" OR "overview of reviews") OR meta-review OR ("integrative overview" OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR "quantitative review" OR "quantitative synthesis" OR meta-ethnography OR "research synthesis") OR "systematic literature search" OR "systematic literature research" OR "evidence-based review" OR "evidence synthesis")
5. TITLE-ABS("research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*")
6. #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5
7. #6 AND ( EXCLUDE ( DOCTYPE , "le" ) OR EXCLUDE ( DOCTYPE , "ed" ) )
Sökfilter: bred (block) ( INDEXTERMS ( "systematic review" OR "meta analysis" OR "biomedical technology assessment" OR "network meta-analysis" OR "technology assessment, biomedical" OR "systematic reviews as topic" ) ) OR ( KEY ( "systematic review" OR "meta analysis" OR "health technology assessment" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS ( ( systematic* W/3 review* ) OR ( systematic* W/3 bibliographic* ) OR ( systematic* W/3 literature ) OR ( comprehensive* W/3 literature ) OR ( comprehensive* W/3 bibliographic* ) OR ( integrative W/3 review ) OR meta-analy* OR metaanaly* OR ( information W/2 synthesis ) OR ( data W/2 synthesis ) OR ( data W/2 extract* ) OR medline OR pubmed OR psyclit OR cinahl OR psycinfo OR "web of science" OR scopus OR embase ) ) OR ( TITLE ( "systematic overview*" OR "systemic review*" OR "scoping review" OR "scoping literature review" OR "mapping review" OR "umbrella review*" OR ( "review of reviews" OR "overview of reviews" ) OR meta-review OR ( "integrative overview" OR meta-synthesis OR metasynthesis OR "quantitative review" OR "quantitative synthesis" OR meta-ethnography OR "research synthesis" ) OR "systematic literature search" OR "systematic literature research" OR "evidence-based review" OR "evidence synthesis" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS ( "research overview*" OR "collaborative review*" OR "collaborative overview*" OR "technology assessment*" OR "technology overview*" OR "technology appraisal*" OR hta OR htas OR "methodological overview*" OR "methodologic overview*" OR "methodological review*" OR "methodologic review*" OR "quantitative overview*" ) ) AND ( EXCLUDE ( DOCTYPE , "le" ) OR EXCLUDE ( DOCTYPE , "ed" ) )
Sökfilter: smal (radvis) 1. INDEXTERMS("systematic review" OR "meta analysis")
2. TITLE-ABS ( ( systematic W/3 review ) OR meta-analys* OR metaanalys*)
3. #1 OR #2
Sökfilter: smal (block) (INDEXTERMS("systematic review" OR "meta analysis")) OR (TITLE-ABS ( ( systematic W/3 review ) OR meta-analys* OR metaanalys*))
Referens Inget validerat filter identifierat.

Sökfilter: kvalitativa studier


CINAHL via Ebsco
Studiedesign Kvalitativa studier
Uppdaterad 2024-04-30
