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Below it is possible to filter which publications are shown in the evidence map. The default is that all publications are shown. When multiple options are ticked within the same category, they are combined using OR. When multiple options are ticked from different categories, they are combined using AND. This means that only articles that have been tagged with both options ticked will be shown.

Showing 132 publications

  • Systematic reviews with high risk of bias

  • Systematic reviews with moderate risk of bias

  • Systematic reviews with low risk of bias

Non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent transmission of infectious diseases in pandemics – an evidence map of systematic reviews

The number in the symbols represent the number of publications. The same publication may appear in more than one location in the map. Click on a symbol to see details with links to the publication. Use the drop-down menus above the graph to filter which publications are to be displayed. You can also export the data to Excel.
Type of infection
COVID-19 Ebola Influenza MERS SARS
Type of intervention
Alcohol serving restrictions
Restrictions of gatherings and other physical distance measures
Visitors restrictions in elderly care
Remote work or workplace closures
Physical distance at individual level
Hand washing/disinfection
Indoor desinfection
Mass testing
Face masks
Travel restrictions
Closure of schools and/or remote education
Large-scale contact tracing
Closure of public institutions and activities
Stay-at-home restrictions
Vaccination pass/requirements
Indoor ventilation