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Smoking cessation methods

Reading time approx. 2 minutes Published: Publication type:

SBU Assessment

Presents a comprehensive, systematic assessment of available scientific evidence for effects on health, social welfare or disability. Full assessments include economic, social and ethical impact analyses. Assessment teams include professional practitioners and academics. Before publication the report is reviewed by external experts, and scientific conclusions approved by the SBU Board of Directors.

Published: Report no: 138

Assessment Objectives

The main objective has been to assess methods that can be used by the health services to help smokers break the smoking habit. The methods studied include counseling of smokers, nicotine replacement therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, and therapy based on drugs other than nicotine. The report also evaluates the structural and organizational aspects that can improve the potential of the health services to provide smoking cessation services. The main outcome measures included verification of being smoke free after 6 to 12 months followup and an economic analysis. To assure that the results apply in the environments where smoking cessation services are provided, the outcomes were studied separately for primary care centers, maternal health services, and hospitals.

Assessment Strategy

Systematic literature overview, cost-effectiveness analysis.

Primary Data Collection

Systematic literature review of studies found in Medline, Psychlit, and Embase databases, the reference lists from published studies, the \\"Tobacco Addiction Module\\" from the Cochrane Collaboration, and a review of reports published by other organizations, eg, AHCPR.

Data Criteria; Types of Studies Included

The report is based mainly on randomized controlled studies involving biochemical means to validate smoking cessation after 6 to 12 months. In the absence of such studies, shorter followup times and self-reported smoking cessation were accepted in isolated cases to explore important questions. The health economics section includes model analyses.

Review of Publications

Internal review by the project group, the SBU Scientific Advisory Committee, the SBU Board of Directors, and an external review by three Scandinavian experts in the field.

How to cite this report: SBU. Smoking cessation methods. Stockholm: Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU); 1998. SBU report no 138 (in Swedish).

Project group

  • Cohen D
  • Eliasson M
  • Eriksson C
  • Gilljam H
  • Hedin A
  • Hellénius M-L
  • Hjalmarson A
  • Nilsson P
  • Tillgren P

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Scientific Article

Helgason AR, Lund KE, Adolfsson J, Axelsson S. Tobacco prevention in Swedish dental care. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003;31:378-85.
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