This publication was published more than 5 years ago. The state of knowledge may have changed.

Dementia – Etiology and Epidemiology

Reading time approx. 1 minute Published: Publication type:

SBU Assessment

Presents a comprehensive, systematic assessment of available scientific evidence for effects on health, social welfare or disability. Full assessments include economic, social and ethical impact analyses. Assessment teams include professional practitioners and academics. Before publication the report is reviewed by external experts, and scientific conclusions approved by the SBU Board of Directors.

Published: Report no: 172E/1


The purpose of this SBU project was to use systematic database searches and a review of the scientific literature as a starting point to assess the current state of knowledge about dementia disorders from various perspectives. Those perspectives included occurrence, risk factors for development, diagnostics, care, ethical considerations, ethnicity and drug therapies, as well as the health economic aspects.

Objective of the report

The objective of the report is to:

  • Analyse current knowledge and values about caregiving in order to help caregivers of dementia patients.
  • Support nurses and caregivers in diagnosing and treating people with dementia disorders.
  • Describe the key role of family members in caring for people with dementia.
  • Provide public officials and other decision makers with a scientific basis for formulating dementia care policy.

How to cite this report: SBU. Dementia – Etiology and epidemiology. Stockholm: Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU); 2008. SBU report no 172E/1.

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