This publication was published more than 5 years ago. The state of knowledge may have changed.
Resignation syndrome
The diagnosis resignation syndrome (in Swedish: uppgivenhetssyndrom), since 1991 called e.g. pervasive refusal syndrome in the scientific literature, has been used to describe children suffering from symptoms such as an inability to eat, drink, walk, talk or care for themselves. In 2014 the diagnosis was included in the Swedish version of the International Classification of Diseases and related health problems (ICD-10 F32.3.A).
What scientific studies have been published on resignation syndrome, regarding diagnosis and treatment?
Identified literature
Eight descriptive primary studies were identified [1-8] as well as a proposal for diagnostic critera [9]. However, no relevant systematic reviews, or primary studies regarding the diagnostic reliability or efficacity of treatment, met our inclusion criteria.
- Aronsson B, Wiberg C, Sandstedt P, Hjern A. Asylum-seeking children with severe loss of activities of daily living: clinical signs and course during rehabilitation. Acta Paediatrica 2009;98:1977-1981.
- Bodegard G. Pervasive loss of function in asylum-seeking children in Sweden. Acta Paediatr 2005;94:1706-7.
- Bodegård G. Life-threatening loss of function in refugee children: another expression of pervasive refusal syndrome? Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry 2005;10:337-350.
- Forslund CM, Johansson BA. Pervasive refusal syndrome among inpatient asylum-seeking children and adolescents: a follow-up study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2013;22:251-8.
- Lask B, Britten C, Kroll L, Magagna J, Tranter M. Children with pervasive refusal. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1991;66:866–869.
- Sondergaard HP, Kushnir MM, Aronsson B, Sandstedt P, Bergquist J. Patterns of endogenous steroids in apathetic refugee children are compatible with long-term stress. BMC Res Notes 2012;5:186.
- Thompson SL, Nunn KP. The pervasive refusal syndrome: the RAHC experience. Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry 1997;2:145-65.
- von Knorring AL, Hultcrantz E. Asylum-seeking children with resignation syndrome: catatonia or traumatic withdrawal syndrome? Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2019.
- Jaspers T, Hanssen GMJ, Van der Valk JA, Hanekom JH, Van Well GT, Schievald JNM. Pervasive refusal syndrome as part of the refusal-withdrawal regression spectrum: critical review ofd the literature illustrated by a case report. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2009;18:645-651.
Literature search
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; [MeSH] = Term from the Medline controlled vocabulary, including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MeSH:NoExp] = Does not include terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MAJR] = MeSH Major Topic; [TIAB] = Title or abstract; [TI] = Title; [AU] = Author; [TW] = Text Word; Systematic[SB] = Filter for retrieving systematic reviews; * = Truncation | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | resignation[Title/Abstract] OR “traumatic withdrawal”[Title/Abstract] OR withdrawal[Title/Abstract] OR refusal[Title/Abstract] OR “refusal withdrawal regression”[Title/Abstract] OR “pervasive refusal”[Title/Abstract] OR “pervasive arousal withdrawal”[Title/Abstract] | 98 921 |
2. | syndrome*[Title/Abstract] | 954 580 |
3. | 1 AND 2 | 9 856 |
4. | “refusal withdrawal regression spectrum”[Title/Abstract] OR “pervasive refusal”[Title/Abstract] OR “stuporous condition”[Title/Abstract] OR “stuporous conditions”[Title/Abstract] OR "Stupor"[Mesh] OR “pervasive loss of function”[Title/Abstract] OR “pervasive loss of functions”[Title/Abstract] OR catatoni*[Title/Abstract] OR "Catatonia"[Mesh] OR apath*[Title/Abstract] OR "Apathy"[Mesh] OR “loss of ADL”[Title/Abstract] OR “loss of activities of daily living”[Title/Abstract] OR “flaccid paralysis”[Title/Abstract] OR “flaccid paralysation”[Title/Abstract] OR “flaccid paralyzation”[Title/Abstract] OR malinger*[Title/Abstract] OR "Malingering"[Mesh] OR ”culture-bound”[Title/Abstract] OR somatisation[Title/Abstract] OR somatization[Title/Abstract] OR somatic[Title/Abstract] OR "Somatoform Disorders"[Mesh] OR Jaspers*[Title/Abstract] OR Bodegård*[Title/Abstract] OR Münchhausen*[Title/Abstract] OR Munchhausen*[Title/Abstract] OR Münchausen*[Title/Abstract] OR Munchausen*[Title/Abstract] OR "Munchausen Syndrome"[Mesh] | 143 696 |
5. | 3 OR 4 | 153 136 |
6. | child*[Title/Abstract] OR “Child"[Mesh] OR adolescent*[Title/Abstract] OR “Adolescent"[Mesh] | 3 384 826 |
7. | refugee*[Title/Abstract] OR “Refugees"[Mesh] OR asylum*[Title/Abstract] OR migration[Title/Abstract] OR immigra*[Title/Abstract] | 283 794 |
8. | 6 AND 7 | 26 874 |
Final | 5 AND 8 | 362 |
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; au = Author; MeSH = Term from the Medline controlled vocabulary, including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; this term only = Does not include terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; :ti = Title; :ab = Abstract; :kw = Keyword; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | resignation OR “traumatic withdrawal” OR withdrawal OR refusal OR “refusal withdrawal regression” OR “pervasive refusal” OR “pervasive arousal withdrawal”:ti,ab,kw | 37 668 |
2. | syndrome:ti,ab,kw | 80 498 |
3. | 1 AND 2 | 6 715 |
4. | MeSH descriptor: [Stupor] explode all trees | 1 |
5. | “stuporous condition” OR “stuporous conditions”:ti,ab,kw | 0 |
6. | 4 OR 5 | 1 |
7. | MeSH descriptor: [Catatonia] explode all trees | 18 |
8. | catatoni*:ti,ab,kw | 143 |
9. | 7 OR 8 | 143 |
10. | MeSH descriptor: [Apathy] explode all trees | 64 |
11. | apath*:ti,ab,kw | 826 |
12. | 10 OR 11 | 826 |
13. | MeSH descriptor: [Malingering] explode all trees | 80 |
14. | malinger*:ti,ab,kw | 136 |
15. | 13 OR 14 | 136 |
16. | MeSH descriptor: [Somatoform Disorders] explode all trees | 637 |
17. | somatisation OR somatization OR somatic:ti,ab,kw | 4 303 |
18. | 16 OR 17 | 4 750 |
19. | MeSH descriptor: [Munchausen Syndrome] explode all trees | 2 |
20. | Münchhausen* OR Munchhausen*OR Münchausen* OR Munchausen*:ti,ab,kw | 3 |
21. | 19 OR 20 | 3 |
22. | 3 OR 6 OR 9 OR 12 OR 15 OR 18 OR 21 | 12 422 |
23. | “refusal withdrawal regression spectrum” OR “pervasive refusal” OR “pervasive loss of function” OR “pervasive loss of functions” OR “loss of ADL” OR “loss of activities of daily living” OR “flaccid paralysis” OR “flaccid paralysation” OR “flaccid paralyzation” OR culture-bound OR Jaspers* OR Bodegård*:ti,ab,kw | 165 |
24. | 22 OR 23 | 12 583 |
25. | MeSH descriptor: [Child] explode all trees | 1 203 |
26. | child*:ti,ab,kw | 146 667 |
27. | MeSH descriptor: [Adolescent] explode all trees | 101 404 |
28. | adolescent*:ti,ab,kw | 131 188 |
29. | teen*:ti,ab,kw | 672 |
30. | 25 OR 26 OR 27 OR 28 OR 29 | 231 821 |
31. | MeSH descriptor: [Refugees] explode all trees | 101 |
32. | refugee* OR asylum*:ti,ab,kw | 4698 |
33. | 31 OR 32 | 4698 |
34. | 30 AND 33 | 876 |
Final | 24 AND 34 Cochrane Reviews: 5 Cochrane Protocols: 0 Trials: 7 Editorials: 0 Special Collections: 0 Clinical Answers: 0 |
12 |
/de = Term from the EMTREE controlled vocabulary; /exp = Includes terms found below this term in the EMTREE hierarchy; /mj = Major Topic; :ti,ab,kw = Title or abstract or keyword; * = Truncation; ’ ’ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | resignation OR 'traumatic withdrawal' OR withdrawal OR refusal OR 'refusal withdrawal regression' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive arousal withdrawal':ti,ab,kw | 346 933 |
2. | syndrome:ti,ab,kw | 1 220 536 |
3. | #1 AND #2 | 32 184 |
4. | 'stupor'/exp | 2 555 |
5. | 'stuporous condition' OR 'stuporous conditions':ti,ab,kw | 9 |
6. | #3 OR #4 | 2 561 |
7. | 'catatonia'/exp | 4 993 |
8. | catatoni*:ti,ab,kw | 4 464 |
9. | #7 OR #8 | 6 024 |
10. | 'apathy'/exp | 8 852 |
11. | apath*:ti,ab,kw | 9 709 |
12. | #10 OR #11 | 12 569 |
13. | 'malingering'/exp | 3 352 |
14. | malinger*:ti,ab,kw | 2 642 |
15. | #13 OR #14 | 4 085 |
16. | 'somatoform disorder'/exp | 25 933 |
17. | somatisation OR somatization OR somatic:ti,ab,kw | 150 902 |
18. | #16 OR #17 | 166 811 |
19. | 'munchausen syndrome'/exp OR 'munchausen syndrome by proxy'/exp | 2 271 |
20. | münchhausen* OR munchhausen* OR münchausen* OR munchausen*:ti,ab,kw | 2 743 |
21. | #19 OR #20 | 2 743 |
22. | #6 OR #9 OR #12 OR #15 OR #18 OR #21 | 193 045 |
23. | 'refusal withdrawal regression spectrum' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive loss of function' OR 'pervasive loss of functions' OR 'loss of adl' OR 'loss of activities of daily living' OR 'flaccid paralysis' OR 'flaccid paralysation' OR 'flaccid paralyzation' OR 'culture bound' OR jaspers* OR bodegård*:ti,ab,kw | 7 520 |
24. | #3 OR #22 OR #23 | 231 443 |
25. | 'child'/exp OR 'adolescent'/exp | 3 592 889 |
26. | child* OR adolescent* OR teen*:ti,ab,kw | 4 117 705 |
27. | #25 OR #26 | 4 579 194 |
28. | 'refugee'/exp OR 'asylum'/exp OR 'asylum seeker'/exp OR 'immigration'/exp OR 'immigrants'/exp | 19 302 |
29. | refugee* OR asylum* OR migration OR immigra*:ti,ab,kw | 444 130 |
30. | #28 OR #29 | 445 643 |
31. | #27 AND #30 | 50 019 |
Combined sets: | ||
32. | #24 AND #31 | 567 |
Limits: | ||
[embase]/lim | ||
Final | #32 AND [embase]/lim | 449 |
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | TI ( resignation OR 'traumatic withdrawal' OR withdrawal OR refusal OR 'refusal withdrawal regression' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive arousal withdrawal' ) OR AB ( resignation OR 'traumatic withdrawal' OR withdrawal OR refusal OR 'refusal withdrawal regression' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive arousal withdrawal' ) | 20 041 |
2. | TI syndrome OR AB syndrome | 159 906 |
3. | 1 AND 2 | 1 756 |
4. | (MH "Catatonia") OR (MH "Apathy") OR (MH "Malingering") OR (MH "Somatoform Disorders+") OR (MH "Munchausen Syndrome+") OR (MH "Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy") | 5 805 |
5. | TI ( stupor OR 'stuporous condition' OR 'stuporous conditions' OR catatoni* OR apath* OR malinger* OR somatisation OR somatization OR somatic OR münchhausen* OR munchhausen* OR münchausen* OR munchausen* ) OR AB ( stupor OR 'stuporous condition' OR 'stuporous conditions' OR catatoni* OR apath* OR malinger* OR somatisation OR somatization OR somatic OR münchhausen* OR munchhausen* OR münchausen* OR munchausen* ) | 14 460 |
6. | TI ( 'refusal withdrawal regression spectrum' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive loss of function' OR 'pervasive loss of functions' OR 'loss of adl' OR 'loss of activities of daily living' OR 'flaccid paralysis' OR 'flaccid paralysation' OR 'flaccid paralyzation' OR 'culture bound' OR jaspers* OR bodegård* ) OR AB ( 'refusal withdrawal regression spectrum' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive loss of function' OR 'pervasive loss of functions' OR 'loss of adl' OR 'loss of activities of daily living' OR 'flaccid paralysis' OR 'flaccid paralysation' OR 'flaccid paralyzation' OR 'culture bound' OR jaspers* OR bodegård* ) | 1 008 |
7. | 3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 | 20 440 |
8. | (MH "Child") OR (MH "Adolescence") | 692 532 |
9. | TI ( child* OR adolescen* OR teen* ) OR AB ( child* OR adolescent* OR teen* ) | 499 102 |
10. | 8 OR 9 | 880 807 |
11. | (MH "Immigrants+") OR (MH "Refugees") | 19 464 |
12. | TI ( refugee* OR asylum* OR migration OR immigra* ) OR AB ( refugee* OR asylum* OR migration OR immigra* ) | 35 898 |
13. | 11 OR 12 | 42 516 |
14. | 10 AND 13 | 10 235 |
Final | 7 AND 14 | 93 |
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | TX resignation OR 'traumatic withdrawal' OR withdrawal OR refusal OR 'refusal withdrawal regression' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive arousal withdrawal' | 45 812 |
2. | TX syndrome | 145 771 |
3. | 1 AND 2 | 11 097 |
4. | ((((DE "Catatonia") OR (DE "Apathy")) OR (DE "Malingering")) OR (DE "Somatoform Disorders")) OR(DE "Munchausen Syndrome" OR DE "Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy") | 17 658 |
5. | TX stupor OR 'stuporous condition' OR 'stuporous conditions' OR catatoni* OR apath* OR malinger* OR somatisation OR somatization OR somatic OR münchhausen* OR munchhausen* OR münchausen* OR munchausen* | 47 295 |
6. | TX 'refusal withdrawal regression spectrum' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive loss of function' OR 'pervasive loss of functions' OR 'loss of adl' OR 'loss of activities of daily living' OR 'flaccid paralysis' OR 'flaccid paralysation' OR 'flaccid paralyzation' OR 'culture bound' OR jaspers* OR bodegård* | 2 345 |
7. | 3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 | 67 124 |
8. | TX child* OR adolescen* OR teen* | 1 274 237 |
9. | (DE "Refugees") OR (DE "Asylum Seeking") OR (DE "Immigration") | 26 643 |
10. | TX refugee* OR asylum* OR migration OR immigra* | 75 755 |
11. | 9 OR 10 | 75 755 |
12. | 8 AND 11 | 24 430 |
Final | 7 AND 12 | 446 |
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | TI ( resignation OR 'traumatic withdrawal' OR withdrawal OR refusal OR 'refusal withdrawal regression' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive arousal withdrawal' ) OR AB ( resignation OR 'traumatic withdrawal' OR withdrawal OR refusal OR 'refusal withdrawal regression' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive arousal withdrawal' ) | 13 801 |
2. | TI syndrome OR AB syndrome | 10 394 |
3. | 1 AND 2 | 399 |
4. | TI ( stupor OR 'stuporous condition' OR 'stuporous conditions' OR catatoni* OR apath* OR malinger* OR somatisation OR somatization OR somatic OR münchhausen* OR munchhausen* OR münchausen* OR munchausen* ) OR AB ( stupor OR 'stuporous condition' OR 'stuporous conditions' OR catatoni* OR apath* OR malinger* OR somatisation OR somatization OR somatic OR münchhausen* OR munchhausen* OR münchausen* OR munchausen* ) | 3 875 |
5. | TI ( 'refusal withdrawal regression spectrum' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive loss of function' OR 'pervasive loss of functions' OR 'loss of adl' OR 'loss of activities of daily living' OR 'flaccid paralysis' OR 'flaccid paralysation' OR 'flaccid paralyzation' OR 'culture bound' OR jaspers* OR bodegård* ) OR AB ( 'refusal withdrawal regression spectrum' OR 'pervasive refusal' OR 'pervasive loss of function' OR 'pervasive loss of functions' OR 'loss of adl' OR 'loss of activities of daily living' OR 'flaccid paralysis' OR 'flaccid paralysation' OR 'flaccid paralyzation' OR 'culture bound' OR jaspers* OR bodegård* ) | 440 |
6. | 3 OR 4 OR 5 | 4 697 |
7. | TI ( child* OR adolescen* OR teen* ) OR AB ( child* OR adolescen* OR teen* ) | 277 357 |
8. | ((((((DE "REFUGEE children") OR (DE "HEALTH of refugees")) OR (DE "REFUGEES")) OR (DE "RIGHT of asylum")) OR (DE "POLITICAL refugees")) OR (DE “IMMIGRANTS")) OR (DE “IMMIGRANT children") | 16 467 |
9. | TI (refugee* OR asylum* OR migration OR immigra*) OR AB (refugee* OR asylum* OR migration OR immigra*) | 74 461 |
10. | 8 OR 9 | 78 129 |
11. | 7 AND 10 | 9 234 |
Final | 6 AND 11 | 36 |