Parent Step

The Parent Steps intervention is a Swedish parenting program. The program focuses primarily on the prevention of substance use, but it also focuses on other types of antisocial behaviour, and it seeks to strengthen protective factors and to reduce known risk factors in parents and adolescents. The program has been developed from Iowa Strengthening Families Program, but it has been adapted to a Swedish context.

Reading time approx. 2 minutes Publication type:

SBU Enquiry Service

Consists of structured literature searches to highlight studies that can address questions received by the SBU Enquiry Service from Swedish healthcare or social service providers. We assess the risk of bias in systematic reviews and when needed also quality and transferability of results in health economic studies. Relevant references are compiled by an SBU staff member, in consultation with an external expert when needed.

Report no: ut202014 Registration no: SBU 2019/793


What scientific studies are there on the Parent Step program?

Identified literature

No relevant systematic review was identified but one primary study was identified [1]. The primary study was not assessed for risk of bias.


  1. Jalling, C, Bodin, M, Romelsjö, A, Källmén, H, Durbeej, N, & Tengström, A. (2017) Parent Programs for Reducing Adolescent’s Antisocial Behavior and Substance Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Child Fam Stud. 2016; 25: 811–826. PMCID: PMC4749652, PMID: 26900316, Published online 2015 Aug 9.

Literature search

Medline via Ovid 2020-01-24
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; [MeSH] = Term from the Medline controlled vocabulary, including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MeSH:NoExp] = Does not include terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MAJR] = MeSH Major Topic; [TIAB] = Title or abstract; [TI] = Title; [AU] = Author; [TW] = Text Word; Systematic[SB] = Filter for retrieving systematic reviews; * = Truncation
Search terms Items found
Intervention: ParentSteps
1. Parentstep?.ti,ab,kw 1
Final 1 1


Embase via 2020-01-24
/de = Term from the EMTREE controlled vocabulary; /exp = Includes terms found below this term in the EMTREE hierarchy; /mj = Major Topic; :ab = Abstract; :au = Author; :ti = Article Title; :ti,ab = Title or abstract; * = Truncation; ’ ’ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search terms Items found
Intervention: ParentSteps
1. ParentStep$:ti,ab,kw 0
Final 1 0


SwePub 2019-12-18
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts
Search terms Items found
1. Föräldrasteg* 1
Final 1 1


Academic Search Elite, CINAHL, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, PsycINFO, SocINDEX via 2019-12-18
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search terms Items found
Intervention: ParentSteps
1. TX Parentstep# 1
Final 1 1
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