Motivational interviewing for individuals with autism or intellectual disabilities
Individuals with autism or intellectual disabilities may occasionally require modifications to their habits and behaviors. Motivational interviewing is a therapeutic approach designed to enhance motivation for these behavioral changes."
What systematic reviews have been published regarding motivational interviewing for individuals with autism or mild to moderate intellectual disability?
A systematic literature search was performed using the following databases: Medline (via Ovid), Scopus, and PsycInfo.
Two authors independently assessed the abstracts of all identified studies.
Risk of bias in relevant systematic reviews was assessed using an assessment tool based on AMSTAR.
Identified literature
No relevant systematic reviews with low to moderate risk of bias were identified. In one relevant systematic review, the risk of bias was considered to be high, therefore the results and conclusions are not reported [1] .
- Van Duijvenbode N, Vandernagel JEL. A systematic review of substance use (disorder) in individuals with mild to borderline intellectual disability. Eur Addict Res. 2019;25(6):263-82. Available from:
Search strategy
Medline via OvidSP 4 November 2024
/ = Term from the MeSH controlled vocabulary; .sh = Term from the MeSH controlled vocabulary; exp = Term from MeSH including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; .ti,ab = Title or abstract; .tw = Title or abstract; .kf = Keywords; .kw = Keywords, exact; .bt = Book title. NLM Bookshelf; .pt = Publication type; .ja = Journal abbreviation; .af = All fields; adjn = Adjacent. Proximity operator retrieving adjacent words, adj3 retrieves records with search terms within two terms from each other; * or $ = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | exp Intellectual Disability/ | 108 502 |
2. | (((intellectual* or development* or learning) adj3 (disab* or disorder*)) or ((mental or intellectual* or cognitive) adj3 (handicap or impair*))).ab,bt,kf,ti. | 203 444 |
3. | exp Brain Injuries/ | 86 931 |
4. | ((acquired or traumatic) adj2 ("brain injur*" or "brain damage*" or "cerebral damage*" or "cerebral injur*" or "cranial injur*" or "brainstem injur*" or "cerebral contusion*" or "craniocerebral injur*" or "head injur*")).ab,bt,kf,ti. | 57 851 |
Intervention: | ||
5. | Motivational Interviewing/ | 2778 |
6. | (motivat* adj2 (interview* or counsel* or enhanc*)).ab,bt,kf,ti. | 9135 |
7. | "behavio* change technique*".ab,bt,kf,ti. | 2348 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis | ||
8. | ((Systematic Review/ or Meta-Analysis/ or Cochrane Database Syst Rev.ja. or ((systematic adj4 review) or "meta analys*" or metaanalys*).ti,bt,ab.) not (editorial/ or letter/ or case reports/)) | |
Combined sets: | ||
9. | 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 | 391 650 |
10. | 5 or 6 or 7 | 11 801 |
11. | 9 and 10 | 178 |
Final result | ||
12. | 8 and 11 | 20 |
Medline via OvidSP 4 November 2024
/ = Term from the MeSH controlled vocabulary; .sh = Term from the MeSH controlled vocabulary; exp = Term from MeSH including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; .ti,ab = Title or abstract; .tw = Title or abstract; .kf = Keywords; .kw = Keywords, exact; .bt = Book title. NLM Bookshelf; .pt = Publication type; .ja = Journal abbreviation; .af = All fields; adjn = Adjacent. Proximity operator retrieving adjacent words, adj3 retrieves records with search terms within two terms from each other; * or $ = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | exp Autism Spectrum Disorder/ | 46 586 |
2. | (autis* or asd).ab,bt,kf,ti. | 84 662 |
Intervention: | ||
3. | Motivational Interviewing/ | 2778 |
4. | (motivat* adj2 (interview* or counsel* or enhanc*)).ab,bt,kf,ti. | 9135 |
5. | "behavio* change technique*".ab,bt,kf,ti. | 2348 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis | ||
6. | ((Systematic Review/ or Meta-Analysis/ or Cochrane Database Syst Rev.ja. or ((systematic adj4 review) or "meta analys*" or metaanalys*).ti,bt,ab.) not (editorial/ or letter/ or case reports/)) | |
Combined sets: | ||
7. | 1 or 2 | 88 370 |
8. | 3 or 4 or 5 | 11 801 |
9. | 7 and 8 | 37 |
Final result | ||
10. | 6 and 9 | 1 |
Scopus via 31 October 2024
TITLE-ABS-KEY = Title, abstract or keywords (including indexed keywords and author keywords); ALL = All fields; W/n = Within. Proximity operator retrieving terms within n words from each other; PRE/n = Precedes by. Proximity operator, the first term in the search must precede the second by n words; LIMIT-TO (X) = Includes only results of specified type, e.g., publication type or time range; DOCTYPE = Publication type; “re” = review; “le” = letter; “ed” = editorial; “ch” = book chapter; “cp” = conference proceedings; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( intellectual* OR development* OR learning ) W/3 ( disab* OR disorder* ) ) OR ( ( mental OR intellectual* OR cognitive ) W/3 ( handicap OR impair* ) ) ) | 376 592 |
2. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( acquired OR traumatic ) W/2 ( "brain injur*" OR "brain damage*" OR "cerebral damage*" OR "cerebral injur*" OR "cranial injur*" OR "brainstem injur*" OR "cerebral contusion*" OR "craniocerebral injur*" OR "head injur*" ) | 85 282 |
Intervention: | ||
3. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( motivat* W/2 ( interview* OR counsel* OR enhanc* ) ) | 20 398 |
4. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "behavio* change technique*" ) | 2717 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis | ||
5. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( systematic W/2 review ) or "meta analy*" or metaanaly* ) AND (EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “le”) OR EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “ed”) or EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “ch”) or EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “cp”)) | |
Combined sets: | ||
6. | 1 OR 2 | 456 908 |
7. | 3 OR 4 | 22 986 |
8. | 6 AND 7 | 343 |
Final result | ||
9. | 5 AND 8 | 34 |
Scopus via 31 October 2024
TITLE-ABS-KEY = Title, abstract or keywords (including indexed keywords and author keywords); ALL = All fields; W/n = Within. Proximity operator retrieving terms within n words from each other; PRE/n = Precedes by. Proximity operator, the first term in the search must precede the second by n words; LIMIT-TO (X) = Includes only results of specified type, e.g., publication type or time range; DOCTYPE = Publication type; “re” = review; “le” = letter; “ed” = editorial; “ch” = book chapter; “cp” = conference proceedings; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( autis* OR asd ) | 146 895 |
Intervention: | ||
2. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( motivat* W/2 ( interview* OR counsel* OR enhanc* ) ) | 20 398 |
3. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "behavio* change technique*" ) | 2717 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis | ||
4. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( systematic W/2 review ) OR "meta analy*" OR metaanaly* ) AND (EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “le”) OR EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “ed”) OR EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “ch”) OR EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “cp”)) | |
Combined sets: | ||
5. | 2 OR 3 | 22 986 |
6. | 1 AND 5 | 88 |
Final result | ||
7. | 4 AND 6 | 5 |
PSYCINFO via EBSCO 4 November 2024
TI = Title; AB = Abstract; SU = Keyword, exact or part (including all other fields for indexed and author keywords); DE = Exact keyword; TX = All text; MR = Methodology; Nn = Near. Proximity operator retrieving terms within n words from each other; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | TI ( ((intellectual* OR development* OR learning) n3 (disab* OR disORder*)) OR ((mental OR intellectual* OR cognitive) n3 (handicap OR impair*)) ) OR AB ( ((intellectual* OR development* OR learning) n3 (disab* OR disORder*)) OR ((mental OR intellectual* OR cognitive) n3 (handicap OR impair*)) ) OR SU ( ((intellectual* OR development* OR learning) n3 (disab* OR disORder*)) OR ((mental OR intellectual* OR cognitive) n3 (handicap OR impair*)) ) | 214 387 |
2. | TI ( (acquired OR traumatic) n2 ("brain injur*" OR "brain damage*" OR "cerebral damage*" OR "cerebral injur*" OR "cranial injur*" OR "brainstem injur*" OR "cerebral contusion*" OR "craniocerebral injur*" OR "head injur*") ) OR AB ( (acquired OR traumatic) n2 ("brain injur*" OR "brain damage*" OR "cerebral damage*" OR "cerebral injur*" OR "cranial injur*" OR "brainstem injur*" OR "cerebral contusion*" OR "craniocerebral injur*" OR "head injur*") ) OR SU ( (acquired OR traumatic) n2 ("brain injur*" OR "brain damage*" OR "cerebral damage*" OR "cerebral injur*" OR "cranial injur*" OR "brainstem injur*" OR "cerebral contusion*" OR "craniocerebral injur*" OR "head injur*") ) | 27 894 |
Intervention: | ||
3. | TI ( motivat* n2 (interview* OR counsel* OR enhanc*) ) OR AB ( motivat* n2 (interview* OR counsel* OR enhanc*) ) OR SU ( motivat* n2 (interview* OR counsel* OR enhanc*) ) | 9878 |
4. | TI "behavio* change technique*" OR AB "behavio* change technique*" OR SU "behavio* change technique*" | 943 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis / randomized controlled trials | ||
5. | TI((systematic n3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR AB((systematic n3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR SU((systematic n3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR (MR "Systematic Review" OR MR "meta analysis") | |
Combined sets: | ||
6. | 1 OR 2 | 239 107 |
7. | 3 OR 4 | 10 785 |
8. | 6 and 7 | 204 |
Final result | ||
9. | 5 and 8 | 11 |
PSYCINFO via EBSCO 4 November 2024
TI = Title; AB = Abstract; SU = Keyword, exact or part (including all other fields for indexed and author keywords); DE = Exact keyword; TX = All text; MR = Methodology; Nn = Near. Proximity operator retrieving terms within n words from each other; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | TI ( autis* OR asd ) OR AB ( autis* OR asd ) OR SU ( autis* OR asd ) | 74 406 |
Intervention: | ||
2. | TI ( motivat* n2 (interview* OR counsel* OR enhanc*) ) OR AB ( motivat* n2 (interview* OR counsel* OR enhanc*) ) OR SU ( motivat* n2 (interview* OR counsel* OR enhanc*) ) | 9878 |
3. | TI "behavio* change technique*" OR AB "behavio* change technique*" OR SU "behavio* change technique*" | 943 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis / randomized controlled trials | ||
4. | TI((systematic n3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR AB((systematic n3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR SU((systematic n3 review) OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys*) OR (MR "Systematic Review" OR MR "meta analysis") | |
Combined sets: | ||
5. | 2 OR 3 | 10 785 |
6. | 1 and 5 | 44 |
Final result | ||
7. | 4 and 6 | 0 |