This publication was published more than 5 years ago. The state of knowledge may have changed.
Influence of different cuff lengths on the efficacy of intermittent pneumatic compression devices
Patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) are at risk of developing venous thrombosis due to their sedentary disposition. Venous thrombosis can lead to pulmonary embolism, which is a potentially fatal condition. The most commonly used method for prevention of thrombosis is administration of anticoagulant medication. In cases where anticoagulants are inappropriate, intermittent pneumatic compression devices may be used. These devices are connected to cuffs, which can be calf length, or calf- and thigh-length. The potential differences in the effect of different cuff lengths in the prevention of thrombosis in the ICU remain unclear.
There are different types of cuffs that can be connected to intermittent pneumatic compression devices. Are calf-length cuffs sufficient in preventing thrombosis in patients in the ICU, or should cuffs cover both the calf and thigh to provide the desirable effect?
We searched three databases for systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials (RCTs). We identified 26 systematic reviews of which two were potentially relevant and 318 RCTs of which seven were potentially relevant. These articles were read in full text by one person. None of the articles were considered relevant to the question. The articles were excluded due to coverage of the wrong patient group or wrong outcome measures.
Project group
Sally Saad, Rebecka Björnfors and Christel Hellberg at SBU.