Beardslee’s Family Talk Intervention

The Family Talk Intervention was developed in the USA for families where one parent is suffering from depression. The purpose is to strengthen family relationships and prevent the children from developing depression. The intervention has been used in Sweden and Finland.

Reading time approx. 3 minutes Published: Publication type:

SBU Enquiry Service

Consists of structured literature searches to highlight studies that can address questions received by the SBU Enquiry Service from Swedish healthcare or social service providers. We assess the risk of bias in systematic reviews and when needed also quality and transferability of results in health economic studies. Relevant references are compiled by an SBU staff member, in consultation with an external expert when needed.

Published: Report no: ut201939 Registration no: SBU 2019/647


Are there scientific studies on the Family Talk Intervention, regarding effects on family relationships and depressive symptoms in the children?

Identified literature

No relevant systematic review was identified but three primary studies were identified [1-3]. The primary studies were not assessed for risk of bias.


  1. Beardslee WR, Wright EJ, Gladstone TRG, Forbes P. Long-Term Effects From a Randomized Trial of Two Public HealthPreventive Interventions for Parental Depression. Journal of Family Psychology 2007;21:703-13.
  2. Gladstone TR, Forbes PW, Diehl A, Beardslee WR. Increasing Understanding in Children of Depressed Parents: Predictors and Moderators of Intervention Response. Depress Res Treat 2015;2015:347971.
  3. Punamäki R-L, Paavonen J, Toikka S, Solantaus T. Effectiveness of preventive family intervention in improving cognitive attributions among children of depressed parents: A randomized study. Journal of Family Psychology 2013;27:683-690. 

Literature search

PubMed via NLM 2019-11-04 
Effect of Beardslee's family intervention
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; [TIAB] = Title or abstract; * = Truncation
Search terms Items found
Final Beardslee*[TIAB] OR Beardslee[author] 272


Cochrane Library via Wiley 2019-11-04 
Effect of Beardslee's family intervention
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; :ti = Title; :ab = Abstract; :kw = Keyword; :au = Author; * = Truncation; CENTRAL = Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, “trials”
Search terms Items found
1. Beardslee*:ti,ab,kw OR Beardslee*:au 54
Final Cochrane Systematic Review: 0 
Cochrane Protocols: 0 
Editorials: 0 
Special Collections: 0 
Clinical Answers: 0


PsycINFO via 2019-11-04 
Effect of Beardslee's family intervention
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; * = Truncation
Search terms Items found
1. TI beardslee* 6
2. AB beardslee* 49
3. 1 OR 2 49
4. AU beardslee 220
Final 3 OR 4 261


SocINDEX via 2019-11-04 
Effect of Beardslee's family intervention
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; * = Truncation
Search terms Items found
1. TI beardslee* 2
2. AB beardslee* 14
3. 1 OR 2 16
4. AU beardslee* 40
Final 3 OR 4 55


Sociological Abstracts via 2019-11-04 
Effect of Beardslee's family intervention
Search terms Items found
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; * = Truncation
1. ti(beardslee*) OR ab(beardslee*) 11
2. au(beardslee*) 90
3. 1 OR 2 97
4. Limited by: Peer reviewed  
Final 3 AND 4 55


Scopus via 2019-11-04 
Effect of Beardslee's family intervention
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AU = Author
Search terms Items found
Author search:
1. Beardslee 44
Final AU-ID ( "Beardslee, William R." 7006611595 ) 183
Page published