The systematic reviews in the evidence map are presented based on included population and intervention. You can filter which systematic reviews are displayed by making selections in the menu above the table. Below the table are functions for exporting the selection as an Excel file or image.
Dental care perspective
- Mental health of people with orofacial problems
- Dental care interventions that could improve mental status
Primary care and psychiatry perspective
- Oral health of people with mental illness
- Interventions provided by psychiatric or primary care to improve oral health
- Treatment for postpartum psychiatric disorders
- Assessment and interventions in care and services for older adults
- Functioning and disability
- Standardised assessment tools in investigations of children and adolescents within the child protection service
- Cariology
- Dental implantology
- Endodontology
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Oral radiology
- Orofacial medicine
- Orthodontics
- Pediatric dentistry
- Periodontology
- Prosthodontics
- Orofacial pain and jaw function/Clinical oral physiology
Public health
- Non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent transmission of infectious diseases in pandemics – an evidence map of systematic reviews