Counselling for mild to moderate depression during pregnancy
What evidence is needed?
More primary research is needed.
What evidence is available?
Reliable systematic reviews that show evidence gaps:
SBU. Förlossningsrädsla, depression och ångest under graviditet [Fear of childbirth, depression and anxiety during pregnancy: a systematic review and assessment of medical, economic, social and ethical aspects. An HTA Report]. Stockholm: Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering (SBU); 2021. SBU-rapport nr 322. ISBN 978-91-88437-66-2. More about the review
Reliable, but not updated, systematic reviews that show evidence gaps:
None identified
- Registration number:
- Published:

Evidence gap identifies methods or practices for which no conclusive systematic review of benefits and harms has been published. Gaps in scientific evidence appear on the SBU website to help researchers and granting agencies identify areas that are in need of research or systematic review. An additional objective is to offer healthcare and social service providers a basis for setting priorities.