Barriers and facilitators when implementing guidelines in health and social care for the elderly
By Swedish government decision S2023/03257, SBU have been commissioned to increase knowledge about improvement in health and social care for the elderly.
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The objective of this report is to systematically compile knowledge regarding barriers and facilitators when implementing guidelines in health and social care for the elderly, as well what impact the identified factors place upon the implementation. The project will be carried out using a systematic mixed method, meaning that both quantitative and qualitative knowledge is going to be used.
Project group
- Kristina Westerberg, Associate Professor, Professor Emerita, Department of Psychology, Umeå University, Umeå.
- Åsa Hedberg Rundgren, PhD, registered physiotherapist, CEO and scientific leader at the Stockholm Gerontology Research Center, affiliated researcher at Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
From SBU
- Ann-Sofie Sundqvist, Project Manager
- Johan Wallin, Assistant Project Manager
- Klas Moberg, Information Specialist
- Sigrid Widén, Project Administrator
- Sofia Tranæus, Head of Department
- Göran Bertilsson, Project Member
- Mikael Nilsson, Project Member
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