Alternative methods to coercive measures

By Swedish government decision 22 Juni 2023, SBU has been commissioned to carry out knowledge synthesis on alternative methods to coercive measures within psychiatric compulsory care, forensic psychiatric care and state institutional care.

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Ongoing Projects

SBU assess relevant and well-conducted research and investigate what effect different interventions have, if there are any risks or ethical problems, and what is most cost-effective in the areas of health care, dentistry, social services, and within the areas of functional disability and work environment.

Planned to be published: Quarter 4, 2025 Registration no: SBU 2023/1016


SBU’s carrying out knowledge synthesis in the area aims to develop knowledge on alternative methods to coercive measures and to support relevant actors. The assignment is based on the results of a previous study regarding alternative methods to coercive measures within The National Board of Institutional Care, the psychiatric compulsory care and forensic psychiatric care institutions. In this study, SBU highlighted a lack of knowledge about the consequences of various coercive measures and alternatives to those for children and young people in the institutional care, as well as the association between the use of seclusion/restraint and occurrence of other coercive measures.

SBU shall gather knowledge and experience from relevant authorities, especially The National Board of Health and Welfare and The National Board of Institutional Care, regional health care institutions, The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, professional associations, patient and family organizations and other relevant actors, e.g. organizations representing children and young people.

Furthermore, SBU shall describe any need for continued development efforts in the area.

Project group


  • Maria Andersson Vogel, PhD in Social Work, Researcher, Department of Criminology, Stockholm University
  • Sofia Enell, PhD in Social Work, Assistant Professor in Social Work, Linnaeus University
  • Sebastian Gabrielsson, Associate Professor in Nursing, Department of Health, Education and Technology, Luleå University of Technology
  • Astrid Moell, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, CAMHS Inpatient Care, Region Stockholm; PhD Student, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Karolinska Institutet
  • Antoinette Lundahl, Ph. D., consultant psychiatrist, affiliated researcher at Karolinska institutet

From SBU

  • Uliana Hellberg, Project Manager
  • Elizabeth Åhsberg, Assistant Project Manager
  • Jonas Bergström, Head of Department
  • Hanna Olofsson, Information Specialist
  • Johanna Wiss, Health Economist
  • Elin Malmer, Project Administrator
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