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The SBU reports are directed toward people working in health care, dental care, social services and people who organise and plan how these services are provided. But the reports are also directed to researchers and research financiers.

The results also affect patients and their families or relatives


SBU Report types in the area of health care, dental care, social welfare, or disability
Evidence map2
Policy support3
Enquiry service5
Prioritisation of
scientific evi­dence gaps6
Evidence gap7
Primary studies included Yes, assess­ment of primary studies May include mapping of primary studies Yes
Assess­ment for rapid review
SBU does not scrutinise the individual studies on which the review is based.

Prioriti­sation of identified reviews
Question formula­ted according to PICO
Systematic Review   May include Mapping of
Assess­ment form for SR
Commentary on an existing systematic review      
Literature search Comprehen­sive, structured Comprehen­sive, structured Comprehen­sive, structured Comprehen­sive, structured Structured    
Risk of bias
Yes Yes Yes Quality assess­ment of reviews (ROBIS)
Yes of the SR
Only of systematic reviews    
Meta-analysis or
other analysis
If applicable   If appropriate        
GRADE If applicable   If appropriate
GRADE from existing SR may be re­assessed by SBU
May be re-assessed by SBU      
Health economy If applicable            
Ethics If applicable            
Reviewed by SBU Yes If appropriate If appropriate Yes      
External review Peer reviewed
(two independent experts)
Yes   If appropriate      
Approximate pro­duction time              
1. A report containing a systematic literature review of the overall scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness and safety of the measure in question. May be a government assignment, request from another authority or project initiated by SBU from a proposal.
2. Mapping of primary studies and/or a systematic review published elsewhere. Purpose: makes it easy for professionals to quickly identify relevant systematic reviews with low risk of bias and shows where additional primary studies and systematic reviews are needed, and where evidence has been assessed. Provides a starting point for researchers planning to carry out a systematic review in the area
3. Evidence to support policy and decision making. Customly adjusted.
4. Scientific reviews from other organisations, summarised and commented from a Swedish perspective. 
5. A quick response to questions on a limited, specific topic received from Swedish healthcare or social service providers. 
6. Scientific evidence gaps using the James Lind Alliance metod. Engage a broad range of stakeholders, (e.g health care and social service providers as well as service users and their families)
7. Catalog gaps in a database for methods or practices for which no conclusive certainty evidence were assessed. Purpose: to inform researchers and research financiers about areas of evidence gaps and where the need for research is greatest, and to provide a starting point for setting priorities on resources allocation
