Ordinance with Instructions for SBU

Ordinance (2007:1233) with Instructions for the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services

Amendment introduced: Up to and including SFS 2023:293


1 § The task of the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services is to evaluate the scientific evidence for applied and new methods in healthcare and in the activities carried out under the Social Services Act (2001:453) and the Act (1993:387) Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments from, where relevant, a medical, social, economic, societal, and ethical perspective. The Agency shall include in its evaluation a gender equality perspective where possible.Ordinance (2023:293)

1 a § The authority shall systematically compile knowledge about the importance of the work environment for the occurrence of disease.
The summaries shall be used in the assessment of occupational injuries according to the Social Insurance Code. Ordinance (2018:1531)

1 b § The Agency shall compile the evaluations in a simple and easy-to-understand manner and disseminate them so that the principals (regions and municipalities), healthcare providers, and other stakeholders can acquire the knowledge. The Agency shall continuously develop its work to disseminate the evaluations so that they are applied in practice and lead to desired changes in healthcare and social services.

The Agency shall systematically identify and actively inform healthcare and social services about methods for which there is insufficient knowledge of the effects. Ordinance (2019:1065)

2 § The Agency shall act as the point of contact for international issues relating to health technology assessments and shall support both European cooperation and other international cooperation.


2 a § The Agency’s work with knowledge-based governance shall be planned and carried out in collaboration with other relevant authorities to ensure the coordination of government management of knowledge regarding healthcare and social services.

Provisions on collaboration with certain other authorities are contained in the Ordinance (2015:155) on Central Government Knowledge-based Management of Healthcare and Social Services.
Ordinance (2015:167)


3 § The Agency is led by a Head of Agency.

4 § The Agency shall have a supervisory council consisting of a maximum of ten members. Ordinance [2009] (2023:293)

4 a § Has been repealed by Ordinance (2023:293).

4 b § Has been repealed by Ordinance (2023:293).

Appointments and assignments

5 § The Director-General is the Head of Agency.
Ordinance [2009] (2014:150)

6 § Has been repealed by Ordinance (2023:293).

Staff Disciplinary Board

7 § At the Agency there shall be a staff disciplinary board.

Application of Specific Ordinance

8 §The Agency shall apply the Staff Representatives Ordinance (1987:1101).