The International Network for Social Intervention Assessment (INSIA) - Application for membership

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How to join INSIA

An organisation can apply for membership in INSIA any time throughout the year, but the INSIA membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. If you are applying for a full membership, you are asked to submit both the completed application form (below) and a cover letter (maximum one page) from the appropriate authority in the organisation/unit seeking membership, stating that they have read and agree to the INSIA Bylaws, as well as authorizing the submission of the application.

When answering the questions, the applicant should bear the organisation’s work with social intervention assessments in mind.

Please send these two documents to the INSIA Secretariat, either by e-mail or by mail: Insia c/o SBU, P.O. Box 6183, SE-102 33 Stockholm, Sweden

Criteria for full membership

Application form (pdf)