
SBU's international commitment includes acting as a contact authority in international matters relating to medical and/or social assessment (HTA and SIA) and supporting both European cooperation and other international cooperation. The aim is to strengthen knowledge exchange and method development. Examples of networks in which SBU is part are INSIA, which was established in 2021 following initiatives from SBU, Scandinavian Grade Group, HTAi and the European network of authorities and organizations responsible for medical evaluation Heads of agencies Group (HAG) and EUnetHTA 21.

In addition to these organizations, SBU also participates in the international networks International Network of agencies for Health Technology assessment (INAHTA), is the Swedish focal point for the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding HTA, EViR (Ensuring value in Research).

Global network connecting people

Nordic and Scandinavian cooperation

Together with Scandinavian sister authorities, Cochrane Sweden and HTA Region Stockholm, SBU has started a network called the
Nordic GRADE network in order to advance the use of GRADE for evidence-informed decision making for policy and practice in the Scandinavian countries, i.e. Sweden, Denmark and Norway. SBU is part of the steering group. Read more about the network here

There is also a cooperation between the nordic HTA-organisations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland where SBU participats. The aim of this network is to inform each other of ongoing projects to avoid dupplication of work, and to plan for the adaptation to the new EU regulation that applies as of January 2025.

European networks and collaborations

SBU is a member of the European network by authorities and organizations that responsible for medical evaluation Heads of Agencies Group (HAG). SBU also participates in the preparatory work organized through EUnetHTA 21 where SBU is active through the participating in two working groups focused on development, skill enhancement, implementation, financing, communication, and education efforts regarding the new EU regulation about HTA in Europe.

Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) is the global scientific and professional society for all those who produce, use, or encounter HTA. HTAi has members from over 65 countries and embraces all stakeholders, including researchers, agencies, policy makers, industry, academia, health service providers, and patients/consumers. We are the neutral forum for collaboration and the sharing of leading information and expertise. HTAi:s members regularly participate in meetings, Policy Fora and Interest Sub-groups. HTAi also provides access to a variety of resources including the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care (IJTAHC). The society is governed by an elected Board of Directors that is supported by an Executive Committee, several Advisory Committees, and a Secretariat.

INAHTA is a network of 55 HTA agencies that support health system decision making that affects over 1 billion people in 33 countries around the globe. With more than 2,100 staff and consultants working in the INAHTA network, there are clear benefits to connecting these agencies together to cooperate and share information about their work producing and disseminating HTA reports for evidence based decision making. INAHTA serves this purpose.

International Network on Social Intervention, INSIA is an international network for agencies working in the field of social interventions. INSIA’s position statement sets out the vision, aims and benefits of the network. The secretariat is currently lead by SBU and SBU is also active in working groups and has a member in the board.
Watch video about the network

WHO. The government has appointed SBU as Sweden's representative in the HTA network within the World Health organisation (WHO) and EU. SBU runs several international projects, both at the global level and within EU.