This publication was published more than 5 years ago. The state of knowledge may have changed.

Assessment and interventions in care and services for older adults

An evidence map

Reading time approx. 228 minutes Published: Publication type:

SBU Evidence map

systematically evaluates the quality of systematic reviews in a particular field for the purpose of identifying reliable evidence and gaps in scientific knowledge. SBU Evidence Maps are generated with the help of experts in the field. Prior to publication, maps are examined by independent experts, as well as our quality and priority group and SBU’s Scientific Advisory Committees.

Published: Report no: 306 Registration no: SBU 2017/914 ISBN: 978-91-88437-48-8


In Sweden, the local community services for older adults stand for a fifth of their costs andcorresponds to 2,7% of BNP. This Evidence Map of care and services for older adults is based on results and conclusions from published systematic reviews in 12 domains of relevance for the Swedish context. The domains are generally wide including a diversity of interventions or assessments, however, all supported by the Social Services Law. Examples are home help and residential care. Interventions requiring medical expertise or rehabilitation such as medication or fall prevention were excluded. 

A method or practice is an evidence gap if:

  • Systematic reviews with low or moderate risk of bias find that there is no conclusive evidence of benefits or harms (Very low certainty of finding according to GRADE or corresponding, no primary studies identified)
  • No systematic review with low or moderate risk of bias have reviewed the method or intervention.

A lack of evidence does not mean that the methods or interventions have no effect. It simply means that there is a scientific uncertainty about treatment effects and that more studies or systematic reviews are needed to provide a reliable measurement.


The aim of this Evidence Map is to identify relevant scientific evidence and evidence gaps by systematically assessing and categorizing all systematic reviews that evaluate the effects of assessment and interventions of relevance for care and service for older persons.


A study protocol for this Evidence Map was made a priori, but is not published.

Inclusion criteria regarding assessment and follow up, PIRO

Population: Individuals aged at least 60 years, or groups with a mean age of at least 65 years, or next of kin.

Assessment method: Needs assessment, scales or instruments.

Reference: Reference test, e.g. other instrument or scale.

Outcome: Usability, participation, costs, reliability, experiences.

Inclusion criteria regarding interventions, PICO

Population: Individuals aged at least 60 years, or groups with a mean age of at least 65 years, or next of kin.

Intervention: Interventions according to the Swedish Social services law, such as prevention, support aging in place, home care service or residential care.

Control: Other intervention.


  • Effects from the intervention
  • Side effects, unwanted events, problems, difficulties or events in connection with a method or intervention
  • Experiences from the intervention
  • Participation
  • Costs.

Study design: Systematic review.

Language: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English.

Search period: From 2000 to April 2017.

Databases searched: 12 electronic databases (Assia, ASE, Socindex, Sociological abstracts, IBSS, PubMed, Cinahl, Cochrane Library, Campbell library, PsycInfo, Social care online och Scopus).

Client/patient involvement: No.

The PICO and PIRO as well as the twelve domains in this map were outlined by the project group. In order to make sure that a relevant map was drafted, representatives from the field and user organisations were given the opportunity to review and suggest changes to the inclusion criteria.

A systematic literature search was thereafter designed and performed by an information specialist in order to identify all published systematic reviews potentially relevant for the PICO and PIRO. Two reviewers independently screened the abstracts and full text and selected the relevant systematic reviews. The risk of bias in the included systematic reviews were assessed independently by two reviewers using a slightly modified version of the AMSTAR tool. Any disagreement regarding relevance or risk of bias was solved by a discussion.

Depending on the research questions addressed in the identified systematic reviews, they were classified according to the prespecified domains and are presented in the Evidence Map.


268 relevant systematic reviews were identified and provide the basis for this SBU Evidence Map. Out of these 111 were assessed to have a low or moderate risk of bias. All systematic reviews are presented in the Evidence map. In total, the evidence map shows both scientific evidence and evidence gaps in six out of twelve domains, and for the combination ‘Maintaining and stimulating work methods: both community and institutional settings’ (Table 1).

The whole domain ‘Needs assessment and follow-up: informal carers’ constitutes an evidence gap as no relevant reviews were identified. All the following domains lack scientific evidence; ‘Maintaining and stimulating work methods: only community settings’; ‘Institutional care as an intervention’; ‘Support, advice and information’; ‘Integrated measures or activities’, and ‘Support for informal carers’.

Conflicts of interest

In accordance with SBU’s requirements, the experts and external reviewers   participating in this project have submitted statements about conflicts of interest. These documents are available at SBU’s secretariat. SBU has determined that the conditions described in the submissions are compatible with SBU’s requirements for objectivity and impartiality.

Project group


  • Gerd Ahlström, Lund University, Sweden
  • Lena Dahlberg, Dalarna University, Sweden

From SBU

  • Gunilla Fahlström (Project Manager)
  • Maria Ahlberg (Project Assistant)
  • Göran Bertilsson (Project Manager)
  • Maja Kärrman-Fredriksson (Information Specialist)

External reviewers

  • Marie Ernsth Bravell, Jönköping University, Sweden
  • Håkan Jönsson, Lund University, Sweden

Search strategies

SocINDEX via EBSCO 21 April 2017
Title: Äldre (sök 1)
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. DE "OLDER people" OR DE "ABUSED elderly" OR DE "ELDERLY poor" OR DE "MINORITY older people" OR DE "OLDER Christians" OR DE "OLDER LGBT people" OR DE "OLDER Native Americans" OR DE "OLDER blacks" OR DE "OLDER blind people" OR DE "OLDER couples" OR DE "OLDER homeless persons" OR DE "OLDER men" OR DE "OLDER sexual minorities" OR DE "OLDER unemployed" OR DE "OLDER women" OR DE "RURAL elderly" OR DE "SOCIAL work with older people" OR DE "URBAN elderly" OR DE "OLDER African American women" OR DE "OLDER African Americans" OR DE "OLDER Asian Americans" OR DE "OLDER caregivers" OR DE "OLDER Hispanic American women" OR DE "OLDER Hispanic Americans" OR DE "OLDER immigrants" OR DE "OLDER Korean Americans" OR DE "OLDER patients" OR DE "OLDER people -- Abuse of" OR DE "OLDER people -- Government policy" OR DE "OLDER people -- Care" OR DE "OLDER people & the environment" OR DE "OLD age" OR DE "OLD age -- Research" OR DE "OLD age -- Social aspects" OR DE "AGING" OR DE "OLDER people -- Rehabilitation" OR DE "OLDER people -- Sexual behavior" OR DE "OLDER people -- Social aspects" OR DE "OLDER people -- Social conditions" OR DE "OLDER people -- Social networks" OR DE "OLDER people -- Societies & clubs" OR DE "GERIATRICS" OR DE "GERIATRICS -- Psychological aspects" 28 407
2. TI ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR AB ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR SU ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR KW ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR TI ( geriatric* or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) OR AB ( geriatric* or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) OR SU ( geriatric* or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) OR KW ( geriatric* or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) 69 961
3. 1 OR 2 73 686
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
4. DE "Systematic reviews (Medical research)" 1 447
5. (systematic* N3 review* OR ( metaanaly* OR meta-analy* ) ) OR ( ( (systematic*) n3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR ( (comprehensive*) N3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR (integrative n3 review) OR (information n2 synthes*) ) OR ( (review*) W1 (random* OR control* OR trial* OR study OR studies OR experiment* OR empiric*) ) 9 907
6. 4 OR 5 9 907
7. (review or systematic or meta or synthes*) N3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative OR evidence) 5 126
8. meta W3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or "data analys*" or summary) 634
9. (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method*") N3 (synthes* or review) 676
10. (meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) N3 ("grounded theory") 172
11. (information OR data) N2 synthes* 1 447
12. data W2 extract* 528
13. metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analys*" 27
14. 7–13 (OR) 7 150
Limits: publication year, language
15. Limiters - Date of Publication: 20000101-20171231; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish  
Combined sets
16. 3 AND 6 AND 15 477
17. 3 AND 14 AND 15 283


Academic Search Elite via EBSCO 12 June 2017
Title: Äldre (sök 1)
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. DE "OLDER people" OR DE "ABUSED elderly" OR DE "BARRIER-free design for older people" OR DE "CAMPS for older people" OR DE "ELDERLY poor" OR DE "FRAIL elderly" OR DE "MENTALLY ill older people" OR DE "MINORITY older people" OR DE "OLD-old" OR DE "OLDER HIV-positive persons" OR DE "OLDER LGBT people" OR DE "OLDER Muslims" OR DE "OLDER Native Americans" OR DE "OLDER South Asians" OR DE "OLDER blacks" OR DE "OLDER blind people" OR DE "OLDER couples" OR DE "OLDER deaf people" OR DE "OLDER diabetics" OR DE "OLDER homeless persons" OR DE "OLDER inmates of institutions" OR DE "OLDER men" OR DE "OLDER refugees" OR DE "OLDER sexual minorities" OR DE "OLDER unemployed" OR DE "OLDER whites" OR DE "OLDER women" OR DE "RURAL elderly" OR DE "SOCIAL case work with older people" OR DE "SOCIAL work with older people" OR DE "URBAN elderly" OR DE "ELDER care" OR DE "ELDERHOSTELS" OR DE "GERIATRICS" OR DE "GERONTOLOGY" OR DE "OLD age" OR DE "OLDER parents" OR DE "RETIREES" OR DE "EMPLOYER-supported elder care assistance" OR DE "EUROPEAN elder" OR DE "ELDER care" OR DE "ABUSE of older people" OR DE "PROGRAMS of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly" OR DE "SENIOR centers" OR DE "SENIOR housing" OR DE "OLDER people -- Counseling of" OR DE "SENIOR housing" OR DE "OLDER people -- Institutional care" OR DE "LONG-term care of older people" OR DE "OLDER people -- Respite care" OR DE "OLDER people -- Social aspects" OR DE "OLDER people -- Social conditions" OR DE "SERVICES for older people" OR DE "OLDER people with disabilities" OR DE "OLDER people with mental disabilities" OR DE "OLDER people with visual disabilities" OR DE "NURSING care facilities" OR DE "NURSING home care" OR DE "NURSING home patients" 77 293
2. TI ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR SU ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR KW ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR TI ( geriatric* or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) OR SU ( geriatric* or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) OR KW ( geriatric* or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) 187 580
3. 1 OR 2 204 690
Study types: systematic revierws, meta synthesis
4. ( (DE "SYSTEMATIC reviews (Medical research)") OR (DE "META-analysis") ) OR ( (systematic* N3 review* OR ( metaanaly* OR meta-analy* ) ) OR ( ( (systematic*) n3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR ( (comprehensive*) N3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR (integrative n3 review) OR (information n2 synthes*) ) OR ( (review*) W1 (random* OR control* OR trial* OR study OR studies OR experiment* OR empiric*) ) ) 146 593
5. ( (review or systematic or meta or synthes*) N3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative OR evidence) ) OR ( meta W3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or "data analys*" or summary) ) OR ( (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method*") N3 (synthes* or review) ) OR ( (meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) N3 ("grounded theory") ) OR ( (information OR data) N2 synthes* ) OR data W2 extract* OR ( metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analys*" ) 75 608
Limits: publication date, language
6. Limiters - Published Date: 20000101-20171231; Language: English, Norwegian  
Combined sets
7. 3 AND 4 AND 6 3 475>
8. 3 AND 5 AND 6 1 575


ASSIA via Proquest 16 June 2017
Title: Äldre
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AF = Author affiliation; All = Performs a keyword search in most of the database's searchable fields, except full text; AU = Author; SU.EXACT = Term from the Sociological thesaurus; SU.EXACT.EXPLODE = Includes terms found below this term in the Sociological thesaurus; TI = Title; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase; ? = Wildcard, used to replace any single character either inside or at the right end of a word
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. SU.EXACT("Terminally ill elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Low income elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Terminally ill elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Widowed elderly men") OR SU.EXACT("Terminally ill elderly men") OR SU.EXACT("Brain damaged elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Language disordered elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly widows") OR SU.EXACT("Mentally ill elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly husbands") OR SU.EXACT("Remarried elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Sick elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Mentally ill elderly men") OR SU.EXACT("Divorced elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Blind-Deaf elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Sick elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Emotionally disturbed elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly married couples") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly mothers") OR SU.EXACT("Gifted elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Mentally ill elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Single elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly men") OR SU.EXACT("Single elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly relatives") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled elderly men") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Homeless elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Married elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Housebound elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Elderly housing assistance programmes") OR SU.EXACT("Elder abuse") OR SU.EXACT("Centenarians") SU.EXACT("Low income older women") OR SU.EXACT("Older women") OR SU.EXACT("Mentally ill older people") OR SU.EXACT("Developmentally disabled older people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled older people") OR SU.EXACT("Homeless older people") OR SU.EXACT("Older married couples") OR SU.EXACT("Older mothers") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled older people") OR SU.EXACT("Emotionally disturbed older women") OR SU.EXACT("Older people") OR SU.EXACT("Older men") OR SU.EXACT("Very old") OR SU.EXACT("Unemployed older people") 36 614
2. ti(( geriatric OR geriatric or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) OR ab(( geriatric OR geriatric or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) OR su(( geriatric OR geriatric or "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or "old age" "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" or postmenopausal or "post menopaus" or "post menopausal" or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) 71 189
3. 1 OR 2 71 205
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
4. SU.EXACT("Systematic reviews") OR SU.EXACT("Meta-analysis" OR "Validity generalization") 4 925
5. ((systematic OR systematically) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature)) OR ((comprehensive) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature) OR (integrative) NEAR/3 (review) ) OR ((data) NEAR/2 (synthesis OR syntheses OR synthesizing OR extracting OR extraction) OR "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews") OR ((information) NEAR/2 (synthesis) OR (review OR reviews OR reviewing) PRE/1 (randomized OR randomized OR controlled OR control OR trial OR trials OR study OR studies OR experiment OR experiments OR experimental OR experimentally OR empiric OR empirically)) 15 354
6. 4 OR 5 19 436
7. SU.EXACT("Review articles") 58
8. ((review or systematic or meta or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing) N/3 (qualitative or narrative or interpretive or integrative OR evidence)) OR ((meta) PRE/3 (study or studies or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or ethnography or ethnographic or "data analysis" OR "data analyses" or summary) OR (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method" OR "mixed methods") N/3 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or review) ) OR ((meta or metaanalysis or metaanalyses or review or synthesis or syntheses OR systematic) N/3 ("grounded theory") OR (information OR data) N/2 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing)) OR ((data) PRE/2 (extraction) OR metaanalytic or metasynthesis OR metasyntheses OR metaethnography OR metaethnographic OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analysis" OR "aggregated analyses") 24 832
9. 7 OR 8 24 890
Limits: publication year, language
10. 2000-2017, english
Combined sets
11. 3 AND 6 AND 10 1 223
12. 3 AND 9 AND 10 1 485


Cinahl via EBSCO 29 June 2017
Title: Äldre (sök 1)
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation
“ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. (MH "Gerontologic Care") OR (MH "Gerontologic Nursing") OR (MH "Elder Abuse") OR (MH "Frail Elderly") OR (MH "Housing for the Elderly") OR (MH "Geriatric Functional Assessment") OR (MH "Geriatric Assessment") OR (MH "Senior Centers") 41 776
2. ((MH "Home Health Aides") OR (MH "Residential Care+") OR (MH "Homemaker Services") OR (MH "Respite Care") OR (MH "Home Nursing")) AND (MH "Aged+") 3 262
3. TI ("aged persons" or "aged people" or "aged patient" or "aged patients" or "aged client" or "aged clients" or "frail aged" OR "advanced age" or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or "old age" OR "oldest old" OR "late life" OR "latest life" OR "old adults" or "old persons" or "old people" or "old men" or "old women" or "old patient" or "old patients" or "old clients" or "frail old" OR "older aged" OR "older adult" or "older adults" OR "older person" or "older persons" or "older people*" or "older residents" or "older men" or "older women" or "older patient" or "older patients" or "older client" or "older clients" or "frail older" OR "oldest adult" or "oldest adults" OR "oldest person" or "oldest persons" or "oldest people" or "oldest patient" or "oldest patients" or "frail oldest" OR "advanced age") 72 478
4. 1–3 (OR) 99 592
Study types: systematic reviews, meta synthesis
5. ( MH "Systematic Review" OR ZT "systematic review" OR MH "Meta Analysis" OR ZT "meta analysis" ) OR ( (TI (systematic* n3 review*)) or (AB (systematic* n3 review*)) or (TI (systematic* n3 bibliographic*)) or (AB (systematic* n3 bibliographic*)) or (TI (systematic* n3 literature)) or (AB (systematic* n3 literature)) or (TI (comprehensive* n3 literature)) or (AB (comprehensive* n3 literature)) or (TI (comprehensive* n3 bibliographic*)) or (AB (comprehensive* n3 bibliographic*)) or (TI (integrative n3 review)) or (AB (integrative n3 review)) or (JN "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews") or (TI (information n2 synthesis)) or (TI (data n2 synthesis)) or (AB (information n2 synthesis)) or (AB (data n2 synthesis)) or (TI (data n2 extract*)) or (AB (data n2 extract*)) or (TI (medline or pubmed or psyclit or cinahl or (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") or "web of science" or scopus or embase)) or (AB (medline or pubmed or psyclit or cinahl or (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") or "web of science" or scopus or embase)) or (TI (meta-analy* or metaanaly*)) or (AB (meta-analy* or metaanaly*)) ) 89 383
6. (MH "Meta Synthesis") 699
7. ( ((review or systematic or meta or synthes*) N3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative OR evidence) ) OR ( meta W3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or "data analys*" or summary) ) OR ( (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method*") N3 (synthes* or review) ) OR ( (meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) N3 ("grounded theory") ) OR ( (information OR data) N2 synthes* ) OR data W2 extract* OR ( metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analys*" ) 29 417
8. 6 OR 7 29 417
Limits: publication date, language
9. Limiters - Published Date: 20000101-20171231; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish  
Combined sets
10. 4 AND 5 AND 9 2 634
11. 4 AND 8 AND 9 865


Cochrane Library via Wiley 29 June 2017 (CDSR, DARE, HTA)
Title: Äldre (sök 1)
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; :au = Author; MeSH = Term from the Medline controlled vocabulary, including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; this term only = Does not include terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; :ti = title; :ab = abstract; :kw = keyword; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase; CDSR = Cochrane Database of Systematic Review; CRM = Method Studies; DARE = Database Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, “other reviews”; HTA = Health Technology Assessments
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. MeSH descriptor: [Homes for the Aged] explode all trees 596
2. MeSH descriptor: [Senior Centers] explode all trees 5
3. MeSH descriptor: [Elder Abuse] explode all trees 15
4. MeSH descriptor: [Geriatric Assessment] explode all trees 1340
5. MeSH descriptor: [Geriatric Psychiatry] explode all trees 43
6. MeSH descriptor: [Housing for the Elderly] explode all trees 42
7. MeSH descriptor: [Geriatric Nursing] explode all trees 201
8. 1-7 (OR) 2049
9. MeSH descriptor: [Homemaker Services] explode all trees 7
10. MeSH descriptor: [Home Care Services] explode all trees 2538
11. MeSH descriptor: [Home Health Aides] explode all trees 20
12. MeSH descriptor: [Home Care Agencies] explode all trees 11
13. MeSH descriptor: [Respite Care] explode all trees  
14. 9–13 (OR) 2 559
15. MeSH descriptor: [Aged] explode all trees 1 107
16. 14 AND 15 84
17. ”aged persons” or ”aged people” or ”aged patient” or ”aged patients” or ”aged client” or ”aged clients” or ”frail aged” or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or ”old age” or ”oldest old” or ”late life” or ”latest life” or ”old adults” or ”old persons” or ”old people” or ”old men” or ”old women” or ”old patient” or ”old patients” or ”old clients” or ”frail old” or ”older aged” or ”older adult” or ”older adults” or ”older person” or ”older persons” or ”older people*” or ”older residents” or ”older residents” or ”older men” or ”older women” or ”older patient” or ”older patients” or ”older client” or ”older clients” or ”frail older” or ”oldest adult” or ”oldest adults” or ”oldest person” or ”oldest persons” or ”oldest people” or ”oldest patient” or ”oldest patients” or ”frail oldest”:ti (Word variations have been searched) 20 783
18. 8 OR 16 OR 17 21 772
Limits: publication year
19. Publication Year from 2000 to 2017  
Combined sets
20. 18 AND 19 16 612


IBSS via Proquest 19 June 2017
Title: Äldre
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AF = Author affiliation; All = Performs a keyword search in most of the database's searchable fields, except full text; AU = Author; SU.EXACT = Term from the Sociological thesaurus; SU.EXACT.EXPLODE = Includes terms found below this term in the Sociological thesaurus; TI = Title; * = Truncation; ? = Wildcard, used to replace any single character either inside or at the right end of a word
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. SU.EXACT(”Older people”) OR SU.EXACT(”Older parents”) OR SU.EXACT(”Centenarians”) OR SU.EXACT(”Oldest old people”) OR SU.EXACT(”Elder care”) OR SU.EXACT(”Older workers”) OR SU.EXACT(”Retirees”) OR SU.EXACT(”Senior citizen centers”) OR SU.EXACT(”Gerontology”) OR SU.EXACT(”Geriatric psychology”) OR SU.EXACT(”Geriatrics”) OR SU.EXACT(”Retirement”) 14 253
2. ti(( geriatric OR geriatric or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) OR ab(( geriatric OR geriatric or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) OR su(( geriatric OR geriatric or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) 56 362
3. 1 OR 2 56 769
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
4. (SU.EXACT(”Meta-analysis”) OR SU.EXACT(”Systematic review”)) OR (((systematic OR systematically) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature)) OR ((comprehensive) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature) OR (integrative) NEAR/3 (review) ) OR ((data) NEAR/2 (synthesis OR syntheses OR synthesizing OR extracting OR extraction) OR ”Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews”) OR ((information) NEAR/2 (synthesis) OR (review OR reviews OR reviewing) PRE/1 (randomized OR randomized OR controlled OR control OR trial OR trials OR study OR studies OR experiment OR experiments OR experimental OR experimentally OR empiric OR empirically))) 17 585
5. SU.EXACT(”Literature reviews”) OR (((review or systematic or meta or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing) N/3 (qualitative or narrative or interpretive or integrative OR evidence)) OR ((meta) PRE/3 (study or studies or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or ethnography or ethnographic or ”data analysis” OR ”data analyses” or summary) OR (realist or framework or thematic or ”mixed method” OR ”mixed methods”) N/3 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or review) ) OR ((meta or metaanalysis or metaanalyses or review or synthesis or syntheses OR systematic) N/3 (”grounded theory”) OR (information OR data) N/2 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing)) OR ((data) PRE/2 (extraction) OR metaanalytic or metasynthesis OR metasyntheses OR metaethnography OR metaethnographic OR ”qualitative cross-case analysis” OR ”aggregated analysis” OR ”aggregated analyses”)) 34 364
Limits: publication year, language
6. 2000-2017, english, norwegian, danish
Combined sets
7. 3 AND 4 AND 6 504
8. 3 AND 5 AND 6 990


PsycInfo via EBSCO 15 June 2017
Title: Äldre (sök 1)
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. DE ”Elder Care” OR DE ”Aged (Attitudes Toward)” OR DE ”Aging in Place” OR DE ”Geriatric Assessment” OR DE ”Geriatric Psychotherapy” OR DE ”Gerontological Counseling” OR DE ”Geropsychology” OR DE ”Late Life Depression” OR DE ”Nursing Homes” OR DE ”Retirement Communities” 22 075
2. TI ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR AB ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR SU ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR KW ((aged or old*) W1 (adult or person* or people* or men or women or patient* or client* or frail)) OR TI ( geriatric* or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) OR AB ( geriatric* or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) OR SU ( geriatric* or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or ”old age” OR ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) OR KW ( geriatric* or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) 195 456
3. 1 OR 2 199 904
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
4. DE ”Meta Analysis” OR ZC ”systematic review” OR ZC ”meta analysis” 32 090
5. TX (systematic* N3 review*) OR TX (metaanaly* OR meta-analy* OR ”meta analy*” ) OR TX ((systematic* n3 bibliographic*) OR (systematic* n3 literature) OR (comprehensive* n3 literature) OR (comprehensive* n3 bibliographic*) OR (integrative n3 review) OR (information n2 synthesis) OR (data n2 synthesis) OR (data n2 extract*)) OR JN (”Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews”) 55 637
6. 4 OR 5 55 637
7. (ZC ”metasynthesis”) 83
8. ( ((review or systematic or meta or synthes*) N3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative OR evidence) ) OR ( meta W3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or ”data analys*” or summary) ) OR ( (realist or framework or thematic or ”mixed method*”) N3 (synthes* or review) ) OR ( (meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) N3 (”grounded theory”) ) OR ( (information OR data) N2 synthes* ) OR data W2 extract* OR ( metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR ”qualitative cross-case analysis” OR ”aggregated analys*” ) 36 008
9. 7 OR 8 36 017
Limits: publication year, language
10. Limiters – Publication Year: 2000-2017; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish  
Combined sets
11. 3 AND 6 AND 10 2 536
12. 3 AND 9 AND 10 1 405


PubMed via NLM 28 June 2017
Title: Äldre (sök 1)
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; [MeSH] = Term from the Medline controlled vocabulary, including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MeSH:NoExp] = Does not include terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MAJR] = MeSH Major Topic; [TIAB] = Title or abstract; [TI] = Title; [AU] = Author; [OT] = Other term; [TW] = Text Word; Systematic[SB] = Filter for retrieving systematic reviews
* = Truncation
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. ”Homes for the Aged”[MeSH] OR ”Senior Centers”[MeSH] OR ”Elder Abuse”[MeSH] OR ”Geriatric Assessment”[MeSH] OR ”Geriatric Psychiatry”[Mesh] OR ”Housing for the Elderly”[Mesh] OR ”Geriatric Nursing”[Mesh] 49 184
2. ((”Home Care Services”[Mesh] OR ”Home Health Aides”[Mesh]) OR ”Home Care Agencies”[Mesh] OR ”Respite Care”[Mesh] OR ”Homemaker Services”[Mesh] OR ”Home Nursing”[Mesh] OR ”Home Health Nursing”[Mesh] or ”Community Health Nursing”[Mesh]) AND (”Aged”[MeSH])) 16 480
3. aged persons[ti] or aged people[ti] or aged patient[ti] or aged patients[ti] or aged client[ti] or aged clients[ti] or frail aged[ti] OR advanced age[ti] or elderly[ti] or elders[ti] or elder[ti] or senior[ti] or seniors[ti] or old age[ti] OR oldest old[ti] OR late life[ti] OR latest life[ti] OR old adults[ti] or old persons[ti] or old people[ti] or old men[ti] or old women[ti] or old patient[ti] or old patients[ti] or (old[ti] AND clients[ti]) or frail old[ti] OR older aged[ti] OR older adult[ti] or older adults[ti] OR older person[ti] or older persons[ti] or older people*[ti] or older residents[ti] or older residents[ti] or older men[ti] or older women[ti] or older patient[ti] or older patients[ti] or older client[ti] or older clients[ti] or frail older[ti] OR oldest adult[ti] or oldest adults[ti] OR oldest person[ti] or oldest persons[ti] or oldest people[ti] or oldest patient[ti] or oldest patients[ti] or frail oldest[ti] OR advanced age[ti] or elderly[ti] or elders[ti] or elder[ti] or senior[ti] or seniors[ti] or old age[ti] OR oldest old[ti] OR late life[ti] OR latest life[ti] 172 207
4. 1-3 (OR) 213 343
Study types: systematic reviews, meta synthesis
5. Systematic[sb]  
6. (((((((((review[ti] or systematic[ti] or meta[ti] or synthes*[ti]) AND (qualitative[ti] or narrative[ti] or interpret*[ti] or integrative[ti] or evidence[ti]))) OR (((meta[tiab]) AND (study[tiab] or studies[tiab] or synthes*[tiab] or ethnograph*[tiab] or data analys*[tiab] or summary[tiab])))) OR ((realist[tiab] or framework[tiab] or thematic[tiab] or mixed method*[tiab]) AND (synthes*[tiab] or review[tiab]))) OR (((meta[tiab] or metaanalys*[tiab] or metasynthes*[tiab] or review[tiab] or synthes*[tiab] or systematic[tiab]) AND (grounded theory[tiab])))) OR (((information[tiab] or data[tiab]) AND (synthes*[tiab])))) OR data extract* [tiab]) OR ((metasynthes*[tiab] or metaethnograph*[tiab] or qualitative cross-case analysis[tiab] or aggregated analys*[tiab]))) 266 050
Limits: publication date, language, human studies, publication type
7. Publication date from 2000/01/01, English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian.  
8. NOT (”Animals”[Mesh]) NOT ”Humans”[Mesh]  
9. NOT (letter[Publication Type] OR editorial[Publication Type] OR historical article[Publication Type])  
Combined sets
10. (4 AND 5 AND 7) NOT (8 OR 9) 4589
11. (4 AND 6 AND 7) NOT (8 OR 9) 2076


Sociological abstracts via Proquest 9 June 2017
Title: Äldre (sök 1)
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; AB = Abstract; AF = Author affiliation; All = Performs a keyword search in most of the database's searchable fields, except full text; AU = Author; SU.EXACT = Term from the Sociological thesaurus; SU.EXACT.EXPLODE = Includes terms found below this term in the Sociological thesaurus; TI = Title; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase; ? = Wildcard, used to replace any single character either inside or at the right end of a word
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. SU.EXACT(”Elderly”) OR SU.EXACT(”Senility”) OR SU.EXACT(”Aging”) OR SU.EXACT(”Elderly”) OR SU.EXACT(”Geriatrics”) 40 081
2. ti(((aged or old OR older) NEAR/1 (adult or person OR persons or people or men or women or patient OR patients or client or or clients or frail)) ) OR ab(((aged or old OR older) NEAR/1 (adult or person OR persons or people or men or women or patient OR patients or client or or clients or frail)) ) OR su(((aged or old OR older) NEAR/1 (adult or person OR persons or people or men or women or patient OR patients or client or or clients or frail)) ) 43 982
3. ti(( geriatric OR geriatric or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) OR ab(( geriatric OR geriatric or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) OR su(( geriatric OR geriatric or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior or seniors or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians) ) 90 526
4. 1-3 (OR) 102 529
Study types: systematic reviews, meta synthesis
5. SU.EXACT(”Literature Reviews”) OR SU.EXACT(”Bibliographies”) 1 702
6. ((systematic OR systematically) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature)) OR ((comprehensive) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature) OR (integrative) NEAR/3 (review) ) OR ((data) NEAR/2 (synthesis OR syntheses OR synthesizing OR extracting OR extraction) OR ”Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews”) OR ((information) NEAR/2 (synthesis) OR (review OR reviews OR reviewing) PRE/1 (randomized OR randomized OR controlled OR control OR trial OR trials OR study OR studies OR experiment OR experiments OR experimental OR experimentally OR empiric OR empirically)) 8 433
7. 5 OR 6 9 935
8. ((review or systematic or meta or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing) N/3 (qualitative or narrative or interpretive or integrative OR evidence)) OR ((meta) PRE/3 (study or studies or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or ethnography or ethnographic or ”data analysis” OR ”data analyses” or summary) OR (realist or framework or thematic or ”mixed method” OR ”mixed methods”) N/3 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or review) ) OR ((meta or metaanalysis or metaanalyses or review or synthesis or syntheses OR systematic) N/3 (”grounded theory”) OR (information OR data) N/2 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing)) OR ((data) PRE/2 (extraction) OR metaanalytic or metasynthesis OR metasyntheses OR metaethnography OR metaethnographic OR ”qualitative cross-case analysis” OR ”aggregated analysis” OR ”aggregated analyses”) 16 288
Limits: publication year, language
9. 2000-2017, english  
Combined sets
10. 4 AND 7 AND 9 746
11. 4 AND 8 AND 9 1 062


Scopus via Elsevier 16 June 2017
Title: Äldre (sök 1)
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts.; TITLE-ABS-KEY = Title or abstract or keywords; ALL = All fields; PRE/n = ”precedes by”. The first term in the search must precede the second by a specified number of terms (n); W/n = ”within”. The terms in the search must be within a specified number of terms (n) in any order.; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase; LIMIT-TO (SRCTYPE , ”j” = Limit to source type journal; LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE , ”ar” = Limit to document type article; LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE , ”re” = Limit to document type review
Search terms Items found
Population: Elderly people
1. ( TITLE ( ( aged OR old* ) PRE/1 ( adult OR person* OR people* OR men OR women OR patient* OR client* ) ) ) OR ( TITLE ( ( aged OR old* ) W/1 ( frail* ) ) ) OR ( TITLE ( geriatric* OR ”advanced age” OR elderly OR elders OR elder OR senior* OR ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” OR postmenopausal OR ”post menopaus” OR ”post menopausal” OR sexagenarians OR hexagenarians OR septuagenarians OR octogenarians OR nonagenarians OR centenarians ) ) 97 858
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
2. ( ( KEY ( ”Systematic review” ) OR KEY ( ”Meta analysis” ) ) OR ( INDEXTERMS ( 'systematic AND review' OR 'meta AND analysis' OR ”Meta-Analysis” ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( systematic W/2 review* ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( meta-analy* OR metaanaly* ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ”systematic overview*” OR ”methodological overview*” ) ) ) 293 296
3. ( ( ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( meta PRE/2 ( study OR studies OR synthes* OR ethnograph* OR ”data analys*” OR summary ) ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( realist OR framework OR thematic OR ”mixed method*” ) PRE/1 ( synthes* OR review ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( meta* OR review OR synthes* OR systematic ) PRE/3 ( ”grounded theory” ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( information OR data ) PRE/2 synthes* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( data PRE/1 extract* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR ”qualitative cross-case analysis” OR ”aggregated analys*” ) ) ) 193,144
Limits: publication year, language
4. 2000-2017, english, danish, norwegian  
Combined sets
5. 1 AND 2 AND 4 1,905
6. 1 AND 3 AND 4 996


Sökning Äldre (sök 1) Social Care Online 170619
Abstract: ”older adult” OR ”older adults” OR ”older person” OR ”older persons” OR ”older people” OR ”older men” OR ”older women” OR ”older patient” OR ”older patients” OR ”older client” OR ”older clients” OR ”old adult” OR ”old adults” OR ”old person” OR ”old persons” OR ”old people” OR ”old men” OR ”old women” OR ”old patient” OR ”old patients” OR ”old client” OR ”old clients” OR ”aged adult” OR ”aged adults” OR ”aged person” OR ”aged persons” OR ”aged people” OR ”aged men” OR ”aged women” OR ”aged patient” OR ”aged patients” OR ”aged client” OR ”aged clients” OR ”frail aged” OR ”frail old” OR geriatric* or ”advanced age” or elderly or elders or elder or senior* or ”old age” ”oldest old” OR ”late life” OR ”latest life” or postmenopausal or ”post menopaus” or ”post menopausal” or sexagenarians or hexagenarians or septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or centenarians All fields: ”systematic review” OR ”meta analysis” OR ”metaanalysis” OR metasynthesis OR ”meta synthesis” =236

Excluded studies

Det kan förekomma fler än en exklusionsorsak.
Reference Reason for exclusion
"The experiences of older adults from moving into residential long term care. A systematic review of qualitative studies.". JBI Libr Syst Rev 2011;9:1-23. Not a systematic review
A qualitative systematic review on the experiences of self-management in community-dwelling older women living with chronic illnesses. JBI Libr Syst Rev 2010;8:1-22. Domain
A systematic review of instruments for the assessment of faecal incontinence for community-dwelling older persons. JBI Libr Syst Rev 2005;3:1-9. Domain
A systematic review of the effectiveness of religious/spiritual activity on quality of life and healthcare outcomes among older adults in residential care facilities. JBI Libr Syst Rev 2006;4:1-11. Not a systematic review
A systematic review of the experiences of older people with visual impairment of interventions aiming to prevent falls, with a particular focus on environmental and/or behaviour interventions. JBI Libr Syst Rev 2009;7:1-10. Intervention
Abad-Corpa E, Gonzalez-Gil T, Martínez-Hernández A, Barderas-Manchado AM, De La Cuesta-Benjumea C, Monistrol-Ruano O, et al. Caring to achieve the maximum independence possible: a synthesis of qualitative evidence on older adults' adaptation to dependency. J Clin Nurs 2012;21:3153-69. Intervention
Abad-Corpa E, Martínez-Hernández A, González-Gil T, Monistrol-Ruano O, Barderas-Manchado A, Mahtani-Chugani V, et al. A synthesis of qualitative studies: the adaptation process of dependency in older people and their families...Fourth European Nursing Congress. J Clin Nurs 2010;19:135-5. Type of publication
Abendstern M, Harrington V, Brand C, Tucker S, Wilberforce M, Challis D. Variations in structures, processes and outcomes of community mental health teams for older people: A systematic review of the literature. Aging & Mental Health 2012;16:861-73. Domain
Abizanda P, Sinclair A, Barcons N, Lizán L, Rodríguez-Mañas L. Costs of Malnutrition in Institutionalized and Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2016;17:17-23. Domain
Abraha I, Trotta F, Rimland JM, Cruz-Jentoft A, Lozano-Montoya I, Soiza RL, et al. Efficacy of Non-Pharmacological interventions to Prevent and Treat Delirium in Older Patients: A Systematic Overview. The SENATOR project ONTOP Series. PLoS One 2015;10:e0123090. Not a systematic review
Adams J. Effect of reminiscence therapy on depression in older adults: a systematic review. Nurs Older People 2003;15:8. Type of publication
Adams T. The applicability of a recovery approach to nursing people with dementia. Int J Nurs Stud. 2010;47:626-634. Not a systematic review
Addis S, Davies M, Greene G, MacBride-Stewart S, Shepherd M. The health, social care and housing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people: a review of the literature. Health & Social Care in the Community 2009;17:647-58. Population
Agnew R, Booth J. Promoting urinary continence with older people: a selective literature review. Int J Older People Nurs. 2009;4:58-62. Intervention
Akhtar AJ, Padda M. Fecal incontinence in older patients. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2005;6:54-60. Intervention
Akyar I, Dionne-Odom JN, Bakitas MA. Supporting Family Caregivers of Turkish Elders. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing 2016;18:256-67. Population
Al-Aama T. Falls in the elderly: Spectrum and prevention. Canadian Family Physician 2011;57:771-6. Intervention
Alhasan H, Hood V, Mainwaring F. The effect of visual biofeedback on balance in elderly population: a systematic review. Clin Interv Aging 2017;12:487-97. Intervention
Ali W, Rasmussen P. What is the evidence for the effectiveness of managing the hospital/community interface for older people? A critical appraisal of the literature (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2004:146. Not a systematic review
Al-Janabi H, Coast J, Flynn TN. What do people value when they provide unpaid care for an older person? A meta-ethnography with interview follow-up. Social Science & Medicine 2008;67:111-21. Intervention
Allen J, Hutchinson A, Brown R, Livingston P. Quality care outcomes following transitional care interventions for older people from hospital to home: a systematic review (Provisional abstract). Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects 2014:346. Intervention
Almeida Moreira P, Roriz A, Mello A, Ramos L. Quality of Life of Institutionalized Elderly in Brazil. Social Indicators Research 2016;126:187-97. Intervention
Amoyal N, Fallon E. Physical Exercise and Cognitive Training Clinical interventions Used in Slowing Degeneration Associated With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Review of the Recent Literature. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation 2012;28:208-16. Intervention
Anderberg P, Lepp M, Berglund A, Segesten K. Preserving dignity in caring for older adults: a concept analysis. J Adv Nurs 2007;59:635-43. Not a systematic review
Anderiesen H, Scherder EJA, Goossens RHM, Sonneveld MH. A systematic review – physical activity in dementia: The influence of the nursing home environment. Applied Ergonomics 2014;45:1678-86. Intervention
Anderson C, Ni Mhurchu C, Brown PM, Carter K. Stroke rehabilitation services to accelerate hospital discharge and provide home-based care: an overview and cost analysis. Pharmacoeconomics 2002;20:537-52. Intervention
Andersson M, Paulsson JAN, Malmqvist I, Lindahl G. The use of common spaces in assisted living schemes for older persons: a comparison of somatic and dementia units. Ageing and Society 2016;36:837-59. Type of publication
Andrew A, Ritchie L. Culture Change in Aged-Care Facilities: A Café's Contribution to Transforming the Physical and Social Environment. J Hous Elderly. 2017;31:34-46. Type of publication
Andrews J, Manthorpe J, Watson R. Involving older people in intermediate care. J Adv Nurs 2004;46:303-10. Not a systematic review
Angevaren M, Aufdemkampe G, Verhaar HJ, Aleman A, Vanhees L. Physical activity and enhanced fitness to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) 2008. Intervention
Annear M, Keeling S, Wilkinson TIM, Cushman G, Gidlow BOB, Hopkins H. Environmental influences on healthy and active ageing: a systematic review. Ageing & Society 2014;34:590-622. Intervention
Anthony K, Robinson K, Logan P, Gordon A, Harwood R, Masud T. Chair-based exercises for frail older people: a systematic review (Provisional abstract). BioMed Research International 2013;2013:309506. Intervention
Anthony K, Van der Wardt V, Pollock K, Robinson K, Masud T, Logan P. Interventions designed to increase older people's exercise engagement: a systematic review. Physiotherapy 2016;102:e232-e232. Intervention
Anuruang S, Hickman LD, Jackson D, Dharmendra T, Van Balen J, Davidson PM. Community‐based interventions to promote management for older people: An integrative review. J Clin Nursi 2014;23:2110-20. Setting
Apostolo J, Queiros P, Rodrigues MA, Castro I, Cardoso D. The effectiveness of nonpharmacological nursing interventions in elderly with depressive disorders: a systematic review. JBI Libr Syst Rev 2012;10:1-11. Population
Arbesman M, Mosley LJ. Systematic review of occupation- and activity-based health management and maintenance interventions for community-dwelling older adults. Am J Occup Ther. 2012;66:277-83. Intervention
Arcelay A, Saenz dOA, Reviriego E, Lopez dAM, Gutierrez-Ibarluzea I. Improving the care of elderly patients with chronic pathologies (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2008. Domain
Argyle E, Kelly T, Gladman J, Jones R. The effective ingredients of social support at home for people with dementia: a literature review. J Integr Care 2017;25:110-9. Not found
Arnold C, Sran M, Harrison E. Exercise for fall risk reduction in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review (Structured abstract). Physiotherapy Canada 2008;60:358-72. Intervention
Arnold P, Bautmans I. The influence of strength training on muscle activation in elderly persons: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Experimental Gerontology 2014;58:58-68. Intervention
Aromataris E. Effectiveness of strategies to promote safe transition of older people across care settings. J Adv Nurs 2010;66:1448-50. Not a systematic review
Arpin S. Oral hygiene in elderly people in hospitals and nursing homes. Evid Based Dent 2009;10:46. Not a systematic review
Aselage MB, Amella EJ, Watson R. State of the science: Alleviating mealtime difficulties in nursing home residents with dementia. Nursing Outlook 2011;59:210-4. Not a systematic review
Aselage MB, Amella EJ. An evolutionary analysis of mealtime difficulties in older adults with dementia. J Clin Nurs 2010;19:33-41. Domain
Aselage MB. Measuring mealtime difficulties: eating, feeding and meal behaviours in older adults with dementia. J Clin Nurs 2010;19:621-31. Intervention
Ashworth NL, Chad KE, Harrison EL, Reeder BA, Marshall SC. Home versus center based physical activity programs in older adults. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) 2005:CD004017. Intervention
Askari M, Wierenga PC, Eslami S, Medlock S, de Rooij SE, Abu-Hanna A. Assessing quality of care of elderly patients using the ACOVE quality indicator set: a systematic review. PLoS One 2011;6:e28631. Intervention
Atwal A, Spiliotopoulou G, Plastow N, McIntyre A, McKay E. Older adults' experiences of occupational therapy predischarge home visits: a systematic thematic synthesis of qualitative research (Provisional abstract). Br J Occup Ther.2012;75:118-27. Intervention
Australian SE, Register of New interventional Procedures Surgical. Systematic review on needs for medical devices for older people (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2013. Domain
Avenell A, Handoll HH. Nutritional supplementation for hip fracture aftercare in the elderly. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000:Cd001880. Intervention
Ayoubi F, Launay CP, Annweiler C, Beauchet O. Fear of Falling and Gait Variability in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2015;16:14-9. Intervention
Azulai A, Walsh CA. Screening for Geriatric Depression in Residential Care Facilities: A Systematic Narrative Review. J Gerontol Soc Work.2015;58:20-45. Intervention
Baczynska A, Sayer A, Roberts H. Volunteer-assisted mobilisation of older people in hospital ? systematic review (Provisional abstract). Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects 2014:i30. Intervention
Baczynska AM, Lim SER, Sayer AA, Roberts HC. The use of volunteers to help older medical patients mobilise in hospital: a systematic review. J Clin Nurs 2016;25:3102-12. Intervention
Baggs JG. End-of-life care for older adults in ICUs. Annu Rev Nurs Res 2002;20:181-229. Not found
Baker MK, Atlantis E, Singh MAF. Multi-modal exercise programs for older adults. Age & Ageing 2007;36:375-81. Intervention
Baker PRA, et a. Interventions for preventing abuse in the elderly (review), John Wiley and Sons; 2016. Type of publication
Ballemans J, Kempen G, Zijlstra G. Orientation and mobility training for partially-sighted older adults using an identification cane: a systematic review (Provisional abstract). Clinical Rehabilitation 2011;25:880-91. Intervention
Balzer K, Bremer M, Schramm S, Luhmann D, Raspe H. Falls prevention for the elderly. GMS Health Technol Assess 2012;8:Doc01. Intervention
Banks MR, Banks WA. The Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Loneliness in an Elderly Population in Long-Term Care Facilities. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences 2002;57:M428-M432. No review
Barbosa A, Sousa L, Nolan M, Figueiredo D. Effects of person-centered care approaches to dementia care on staff: a systematic review (Structured abstract). American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias 2014:epub. Population
Barer D. 2011 - Review: Inpatient comprehensive geriatric assessment improves the likelihood of living at home at 12 months. ACP Journal Club 2011;155:1-1. Intervention
Barker A, Bird M, Talevski J. Effect of pilates exercise for improving balance in older adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis (Provisional abstract). Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects 2014:epub. Intervention
Barlow J, Singh D, Bayer S, Curry R. A systematic review of the benefits of home telecare for frail elderly people and those with long-term conditions. J Telemed Telecare.2007;13:172-9. Intervention
Barnes S. The design of caring environments and the quality of life of older people. Ageing & Society 2002;22:775. Type of publication
Baron S, Ulstein I, Werheid K. Psychosocial interventions in Alzheimer's disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment: evidence for gender bias in clinical trials. Aging & Mental Health 2015;19:290-305. Intervention
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Bouaziz W, Vogel T, Schmitt E, Kaltenbach G, Geny B, Lang PO. Health benefits of aerobic training programs in adults aged 70 and over: a systematic review. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics 2017;69:110-27. Intervention
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Bunn F, Dickinson A, Barnett-Page E, McInnes E, Horton K. A systematic review of older people's perceptions of facilitators and barriers to participation in falls-prevention interventions. Ageing & Society 2008;28:449-72. Intervention
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Caldwell HK, Gilden G, Mueller M. Elder Abuse Screening Instruments in Primary Care: An Integrative Review. Clinical Geriatrics 2013;21:20-5. Not a systematic review
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Campbell AJ, Robertson MC. Rethinking individual and community fall prevention strategies: a meta-regression comparing single and multifactorial interventions. Age & Ageing 2007;36:656-62. Intervention
Cancela JM, de Oliveira IM, Rodríguez-Fuentes G. Effects of Pilates method in physical fitness on older adults. A systematic review. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2014. Intervention
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Candy B, France R, Low J, Sampson L. Does involving volunteers in the provision of palliative care make a difference to patient and family wellbeing? A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015;52:756-68. Population
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Candy B, Sampson EL, Jones L. Enteral tube feeding in older people with advanced dementia: Findings from a Cochrane systematic review. Int J Palliat Nurs. 2009;15:396-404. Intervention
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Carter ND, Kannus P, Khan KM. Exercise in the Prevention of Falls in Older People: A Systematic Literature Review Examining the Rationale and the Evidence. Sports Medicine 2001;31:427-38. Intervention
Catalan-Matamoros D, Gomez-Conesa A, Stubbs B, Vancampfort D. Exercise improves depressive symptoms in older adults: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Psychiatry Research 2016;244:202-9. Intervention
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Chan PA, Chan T. The impact of discrimination against older people with dementia and its impact on student nurses professional socialisation. Nurse Education in Practice 2009;9:221-7. Not a systmatic review
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Chang C-C, Roberts BL. Feeding difficulty in older adults with dementia. J Clin Nurs 2008;17:2266-2274. Intervention
Chang JT, Ganz DA. Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007;55:S327-34. Type of publication
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Chang Y, Pan C, Chen F, Tsai C, Huang C. Effect of resistance-exercise training on cognitive function in healthy older adults: a review (Provisional abstract). J Aging Phys Act.2012;20:497-517. Intervention
Charlton K, Murray CM, Kumar S. Perspectives of older people about contingency planning for falls in the community: A qualitative meta-synthesis. PLoS One 2017;12:e0177510. Intervention
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Chase J-AD. Interventions to Increase Physical Activity Among Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis. Gerontologist 2015;55:706-18. Intervention
Chaudhuri S, Thompson H, Demiris G. Fall detection devices and their use with older adults: A systematic review. J Geriatr Phys Ther.2014;37:178-96. Intervention
Chen L-f, Liu J, Zhang J, Lu X-q. Non-pharmacological interventions for caregivers of patients with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research 2016;235:123-127. Population
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Cheskin LJ, Mitchell AM. Review: oral protein and energy supplements reduce all-cause mortality in elderly persons. ACP J Club 2003;138:59. Not a systematic review
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Chi I, Jordan-Marsh M, Guo M, Xie B, Bai Z. Tai chi and reduction of depressive symptoms for older adults: A meta-analysis of randomized trials. Geriatrics & Gerontology International 2013;13:3-12. Intervention
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Chisolm TH, Johnson CE, Danhauer JL, Portz LJP, Abrams HB, Lesner S, et al. A Systematic Review of Health-Related Quality of Life and Hearing Aids: Final Report of the American Academy of Audiology Task Force on the Health-Related Quality of Life Benefits of Amplification in Adults. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 2007;18:151-183. Intervention
Chiu WK, Newcomer R. A systematic review of nurse-assisted case management to improve hospital discharge transition outcomes for the elderly. Prof Case Manag 2007;12:330-6; quiz 337-8. Not a systematic review
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Chiung-Ju LIU, Latham N. Can progressive resistance strength training reduce physical disability in older adults? A meta-analysis study. Disability & Rehabilitation 2011;33:87-97. Intervention
Cho E. A proposed theoretical framework addressing the effects of informal caregivers on health-related outcomes of elderly recipients in home health care. Asian Nurs Res (Korean Soc Nurs Sci) 2007;1:23-34. Not a systematic review
Choi H, Irwin MR, Cho HJ. Impact of social isolation on behavioral health in elderly: Systematic review. World J Psychiatry 2015;5:432-8. Intervention
Choi M, Hector M. Effectiveness of Intervention Programs In Preventing Falls: A Systematic Review of Recent 10 Years and Meta-Analysis. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2012;13:188.e13-188.e21. Intervention
Choi SD, Guo L, Kang D, Xiong S. Exergame technology and interactive interventions for elderly fall prevention: A systematic literature review. Appl Ergon 2016. Intervention
Chou C, Hwang C, Wu Y. Effect of exercise on physical function, daily living activities, and quality of life in the frail older adults: a meta-analysis (Structured abstract). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2012;93:237-244. Intervention
Chou R, Dana T, Bougatsos C. Screening for visual impairment in older adults: systematic review to update the 1996 U.S. preventive services task force recommendation (Structured abstract). Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects 2009. Intervention
Christofoletti G, Oliani MM, Gobbi S, Stella F. Effects of motor intervention in elderly patients with dementia: an analysis of randomized controlled trials. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation 2007;23:149-154. Intervention
Chronister J, Chih Chin C, Frain M, da Silva Cardoso E. The Relationship Between Social Support and Rehabilitation Related Outcomes: A Meta-analysis. Journal of Rehabilitation 2008;74:16-32. Population
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Chudyk AM, Jutai JW, Petrella RJ, Speechley M. Systematic review of hip fracture rehabilitation practices in the elderly. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2009;90:246-62. Intervention
Chung J, Demiris G, Thompson HJ. Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of Smart Home Technologies for Older Adults: An Integrative Review. Annu Rev Nurs Res 2016;34:155-81. Not found
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Church J, Haas M, Goodall S, Church JL, Haas MR. Cost Effectiveness of Falls and Injury Prevention Strategies for Older Adults Living in Residential Aged Care Facilities. PharmacoEconomics 2015;33:1301-1310. Intervention
Ciesielska N, Sokolowski R, Mazur E, Podhorecka M, Polak-Szabela A, Kedziora-Kornatowska K. Is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test better suited than the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) detection among people aged over 60? Meta-analysis. Psychiatr Pol 2016;50:1039-1052. Intervention
Cieslik B, Jaworska L, Szczepanska-Gierach J. Postural stability in the cognitively impaired elderly: A systematic review of the literature. Dementia (London) 2016. Intervention
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Clare L, Marková I, Verhey F, Kenny G. Awareness in dementia: A review of assessment methods and measures. Aging & Mental Health 2005;9:394-413. Type of publication
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Clegg A, Siddiqi N, Heaven A, Young J, Holt R. Interventions for preventing delirium in older people in institutional long-term care. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2014;1:CD009537. Intervention
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Clemson L, Mackenzie L, Ballinger C, Close JCT, Cumming RG. Environmental Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling: Older People A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials. Journal of Aging & Health 2008;20:954-971. Intervention
Cobban S. Improving oral health for elderly residents of long-term care facilities (Provisional abstract). Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects 2012:1-186. Type of publication
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Coelho FG, Santos-Galduroz RF, Gobbi S, Stella F. Systematized physical activity and cognitive performance in elderly with Alzheimer's dementia: a systematic review (Provisional abstract). Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 2009;31:163-170. Intervention
Coffey A. Discharging older people from hospital to home: what do we know? Int J Older People Nurs 2006;1:141-50. Not a systematic review
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Fox M, Persaud M, Maimets I, Brooks D, O'Brien K, Tregunno D. Effectiveness of early discharge planning in acutely ill or injured hospitalized older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Structured abstract). BMC Geriatrics 2013;13:70. Intervention
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Funchal Camacho ACÃoL, de Araújo Abreu LT, de Oliveira Mata AC, Leite BS, da Costa Santos R. BIOETHICAL ISSUES OF OLDER ADULTS AND THEIR ASPECTS RELEVANT TO NURSING: INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Journal of Nursing UFPE / Revista de Enfermagem UFPE 2013;7:945-952. Intervention
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Gates S, Fisher JD, Cooke MW, Carter YH, Lamb SE. Multifactorial assessment and targeted intervention for preventing falls and injuries among older people in community and emergency care settings: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ: British Medical Journal (International Edition) 2008;336:130-133. Intervention
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Gräske J, Fischer T, Kuhlmey A, Wolf-Ostermann K. Dementia-Specific Quality of Life Instruments and Their Appropriateness in Shared-Housing Arrangements--A Literature Study. Geriatric Nursing 2012;33:204-216. Not a systematic review
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Granacher U, Muehlbauer T, Gruber M. A Qualitative Review of Balance and Strength Performance in Healthy Older Adults: Impact for Testing and Training. Journal of Aging Research 2012:1-16. Intervention
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Greenberg SA. Analysis of Measurement Tools of Fear of Falling for High-Risk, Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Clinical Nursing Research 2012;21:113-130. Intervention
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Gridley K, Brooks J, Glendinning C. Good practice in social care for disabled adults and older people with severe and complex needs: evidence from a scoping review. Health & Social Care in the Community 2014;22:234-248. Type of publication
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Gu MO, Conn VS. Meta-analysis of the effects of exercise interventions on functional status in older adults. Research in Nursing & Health 2008;31:594-603. Intervention
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Guo Y, Albright D. The effectiveness of telehealth on self-management for older adults with a chronic condition: A comprehensive narrative review of the literature. J Telemed Telecare 2017:1357633x17706285. Intervention
Guo Y, Shi H, Yu D, Qiu P. Health benefits of traditional Chinese sports and physical activity for older adults: A systematic review of evidence. Journal of Sport and Health Science 2016;5:270-280. Intervention
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Hall CJ, Peel NM, Comans TA, Gray LC, Scuffham PA. Can post-acute care programmes for older people reduce overall costs in the health system? A case study using the Australian Transition Care Programme. Health & Social Care in the Community 2012;20:97-102. Intervention
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Harris DM, Rantalainen T, Muthalib M, Johnson L, Teo WP. Exergaming as a Viable Therapeutic Tool to Improve Static and Dynamic Balance among Older Adults and People with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Aging Neurosci 2015;7:167. Intervention
Harrison JK, Stott DJ, McShane R, Noel-Storr AH, Swann-Price RS, Quinn TJ. Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) for the early diagnosis of dementia across a variety of healthcare settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016;11:Cd011333. Intervention
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Hatton AL, Rome K, Dixon J, Martin DJ, McKeon PO. Footwear interventions: a review of their sensorimotor and mechanical effects on balance performance and gait in older adults. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2013;103:516-33. Intervention
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Hayes N. Counselling Older People: A Systematic Review. Nursing Older People 2005;17:35-35. Intervention
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Heaven B, Brown LJE, White M, Errington L, Mathers JC, Moffatt S. Supporting well-being in retirement through meaningful social roles: Systematic review of intervention studies. Milbank Quarterly 2013;91:222-87. Intervention
Hebling E, Pereira AC. Oral health-related quality of life: a critical appraisal of assessment tools used in elderly people. Gerodontology 2007;24:151-61. Intervention
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Holden G, Barker K, Covert-Vail L, Rosenberg G, Cohen SA. Does Social Work Abstracts Work? Research on Social Work Practice 2008;18:487-99. Intervention
Holm AL, Severinsson E. A Qualitative Systematic Review of Older Persons' Perceptions of Health, Ill Health, and Their Community Health Care Needs. Nursing Research & Practice 2013:1-12. Intervention
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Holt KR, Haavik H, Elley CR. The effects of manual therapy on balance and falls: a systematic review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2012;35:227-34. Intervention
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Host A, McMahon AT, Walton K, Charlton K. Factors Influencing Food Choice for Independently Living Older People-A Systematic Literature Review. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr 2016;35:67-94. Intervention
Housden S. The use of reminiscence in the prevention and treatment of depression in older people living in care homes: A literature review. Groupwork: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Working with Groups 2009;19:28-45. Intervention
Howe AL, Jones AE, Tilse C. What's in a name? Similarities and differences in international terms and meanings for older peoples' housing with services. Ageing & Society 2013;33:547-78. Intervention
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Hsiao-Mei C, Yi-Hsuan T, Ching-Min C. Effect of Continuity of Care on Quality of Life in Older Adults With Chronic Diseases: A Meta-Analysis. Clinical Nursing Research 2017;26:266-84. Intervention
Hu YN, Chung YJ, Yu HK, Chen YC, Tsai CT, Hu GC. Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Fall Prevention in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. International Journal of Gerontology 2016. Intervention
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Hwang H-l. Caring for Residents of Eldercare Facilities: A Concept Analysis. Int J Nurs Knowl. 2017;28:37-43. Domain
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Jacelon CS, Hason A. Older adults' participation in the development of smart environments: An integrated review of the literature. Geriatric Nursing 2013;34:116-21 6p. Intervention
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Jacob L, Poletick EB. Systematic review: predictors of successful transition to community-based care for adults with chronic care needs. Care Manag J 2008;9:154-65. Intervention
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Jang H, Clemson L, Lovarini M, Willis K, Lord SR, Sherrington C. Cultural influences on exercise participation and fall prevention: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Disability & Rehabilitation 2016;38:724-32. Intervention
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Jayasekara R. Summaries of nursing care-related systematic reviews from the Cochrane library: Early discharge hospital at home. Int J Evid Based Healthc. 2010;8:37-37. Type of publication
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Joe J, Demiris G. Older adults and mobile phones for health: a review. J Biomed Inform 2013;46:947-54. Not a systematic review
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Johnson VB. Evidence-based practice guideline: oral hygiene care for functionally dependent and cognitively impaired older adults. J Gerontol Nurs 2012;38:11-9. Not a systematic review
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Jorgic B, Milanovic Z, Aleksandrovic M, Pantelic S, Daly D. Effects of deep water running in older adults. a systematic review. HealthMED 2012;6:3219-27. Intervention
Jose S, Francis S. "A REVIEW ON SCOPE OF OTAGO EXERCISE IN FALL PREVENTION AMONG ELDERLY POPULATION". International Journal of Therapies & Rehabilitation Research 2017;6:154-4. Intervention
JuHee L, Soeken K, Picot SJ. A Meta-Analysis of interventions for Informal Stroke Caregivers. Western Journal of Nursing Research 2007;29:344-56. Intervention
Jung D, Lee J, Lee S. A meta-analysis of fear of falling treatment programs for the elderly (Structured abstract). Western Journal of Nursing Research 2009;31:6-16. Intervention
Jung Eun K, O'Connor LE, Sands LP, Slebodnik MB, Campbell WW. Effects of dietary protein intake on body composition changes after weight loss in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition Reviews 2016;74:210-24. Intervention
Justiss MD. Occupational therapy interventions to promote driving and community mobility for older adults with low vision: A systematic review. Am J Occup Ther.2013;67:296-302. Intervention
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Kang-Yi C, Gellis Z. A systematic review of community-based health interventions on depression for older adults with heart disease (Structured abstract). Aging and Mental Health 2010;14:1-19. Intervention
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Karr JE, Areshenkoff CN, Rast P, Garcia-Barrera MA. An empirical comparison of the therapeutic benefits of physical exercise and cognitive training on the executive functions of older adults: A meta-analysis of controlled trials. Neuropsychology 2014;28:829-45. Intervention
Kassavou A, Turner A, French DP. Do interventions to promote walking in groups increase physical activity? A meta-analysis. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2013;10. Intervention
Kehinde JO, Pope C, Amella EJ. Methodological issues in fall prevention research involving older adults in long-term care facilities. Research in gerontological nursing 2011;4:294-304. Intervention
Kehinde JO. Instruments for measuring fall risk in older adults living in long-term care facilities: an integrative review. J Gerontol Nurs 2009;35:46-55. Intervention
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Kelly B, Rid A, Wendler D. Systematic Review: Individuals' Goals for Surrogate Decision-Making. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012;60:884-95. Domain
Kelly GA. Quality of Life in Nursing Homes: A Theoretical and Empirical Review. Great Plains Sociologist 2013;0:33-63. Domain
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Kemmler W, Häberle L, Von Stengel S. Effects of exercise on fracture reduction in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporosis International 2013;24:1937-50. Intervention
Kemmler W, Stengel S. Physical exercise and prevention of fractures in elderly subjects ? evidences and limitations of current studies (Provisional abstract). Osteologie 2012;21:88-93. Intervention
Kendall JC, Hartvigsen J, Azari MF, French SD. Effects of Nonpharmacological interventions for Dizziness in Older People: Systematic Review. Physical Therapy 2016;96:641-9. Intervention
Kendrick D, Kumar A, Carpenter H, Zijlstra GA, Skelton DA, Cook JR, et al. Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2014;11:CD009848. Intervention
Kenny KA, Skelly JM. Dietary fiber for constipation in older adults: A systematic review. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing 2001;5:120-28. Intervention
Kercher BJ, Rubenstein LZ. Home-safety checklists for elders in print and on the Internet. Generations 2002;26:69-74. Intervention
Kerr J, Rosenberg D, Frank L. The Role of the Built Environment in Healthy Aging: Community Design, Physical Activity, and Health among Older Adults. J Plan Lit. 2012;27:43-60. Type of publication
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Khosravi P, Rezvani A, Wiewiora A. The impact of technology on older adults’ social isolation. Computers in Human Behavior 2016;63:594-603. Population
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Kinne BL, Finch TJ, Macken AM, Smoyer CM. Using the Wii to Improve Balance in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics 2015;33:363-75. Intervention
Kirshbaum MN. Does protein and energy supplementation benefit elderly people at risk of malnutrition? Nursing Times 2010;106:22-22. Domain
Knight L, Hester M. Domestic violence and mental health in older adults. International Review of Psychiatry 2016;28:464-74. Intervention
Koch S, Nay R. Reducing Abuse of Older People with Dementia and Their Carers. Australas J Ageing. 2003;22:191-15. Type of publication
Kogan AC, Wilber K, Mosqueda L. Person-Centered Care for Older Adults with Chronic Conditions and Functional Impairment: A Systematic Literature Review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016;64:e1-e7. Outcome
Koh C. A systematic literature review to ascertain the effectiveness of using bed-exit alarm in the prevention of bed falls in a psycho-geriatric ward. European Psychiatry 2016;33:S217-S217. Intervention
Kojima G. Frailty as a Predictor of Nursing Home Placement Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Geriatr Phys Ther 2016. Intervention
Kolla BP, Mansukhani MP, Gottschalk AW. What is the most effective NON-pharmacologic treatment of anxiety symptoms in the institutionalized elderly patient? Evidence-Based Practice 2010;13:9-9. Not a systematic review
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Konno R, Stern C, Gibb H. The best evidence for assisted bathing of older people with dementia: a comprehensive systematic review (Provisional abstract). JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 2013;11:123-212. Not a systematic review
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Kosse N, Brands K, Bauer J, Hortobagyi T, Lamoth C. Sensor technologies aiming at fall prevention in institutionalized old adults: a synthesis of current knowledge (Provisional abstract). Int J Med Inform. 2013;82:743-52. Intervention
Krishnan P. Concept analysis of good death in long term care residents. Int J Palliat Nurs.2017;23:29-34. Intervention
Kroger E, Tatar O, Vedel I, Giguere AMC, Voyer P, Guillaumie L, et al. Improving medication adherence among community-dwelling seniors with cognitive impairment: a systematic review of interventions. Int J Clin Pharm 2017. Domain
Kropf NP, Cummings SM. Evidence-Based Interventions with Older Adults: Concluding Thoughts. J Gerontol Soc Work.2008;50:345-55. Type of publication
Kuerbis A, Sacco P. A Review of Existing Treatments for Substance Abuse Among the Elderly and Recommendations for Future Directions. Substance Abuse: Research & Treatment 2013:13-37. Intervention
Kumar A, Delbaere KIM, Zijlstra GAR, Carpenter H, Iliffe S, Masud T, et al. Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. Age & Ageing 2016;45:345-52. Intervention
Kuske B, Hanns S, Luck T, Angermeyer MC, Behrens J, Riedel-Heller SG. Nursing home staff training in dementia care: A systematic review of evaluated programs. International Psychogeriatrics 2007;19:818-41. Not found
Lach HW, Harrison BE, Phongphanngam S. Falls and Fall Prevention in Older Adults With Early-Stage Dementia: An Integrative Review. Res Gerontol Nurs 2017;10:139-48. Intervention
Lach HW, Parsons JL. Impact of Fear of Falling in Long Term Care: An Integrative Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14:573-7. Intervention
Lacroix A, Hortobágyi T, Beurskens R, Granacher U. Effects of Supervised vs. Unsupervised Training Programs on Balance and Muscle Strength in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine 2017:1-21. Intervention
Laine J, Kuvaja-Köllner V, Pietilä E, Koivuneva M, Valtonen H, Kankaanpää E. Cost-Effectiveness of Population-Level Physical Activity Interventions: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Health Promotion 2014;29:71-80. Intervention
Lamb M. Self-care-related safety for seniors living at home: a systematic review. JBI Library of Systematic Reviews 2010;8:1-17. Domain
Lan SH, Lu LC, Yen YY, Hsieh YP, Chen JC, Wu WJ, et al. Tube Feeding among Elder in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Nutr Health Aging 2017;21:31-7. Domain
Landeiro F, Barrows P, Nuttall Musson E, Gray AM, Leal J. Reducing social isolation and loneliness in older people: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 2017;7. Type of publication
Lange B, Flynn S, Chang CY, Liang W, Si Y, Nanavati C, et al. Development of an interactive stepping game to reduce falls in older adults. Int J Disabil Hum Dev. 2011;10:331-5. Intervention
Langley FA, Mackintosh SFH. Functional balance assessment of older community dwelling adults: a systematic review of the literature. J Allied Health. 2007;5:11p-11p. Intervention
LaPlante MP, Harrington C, Kang T. Estimating paid and unpaid hours of personal assistance services in activities of daily living provided to adults living at home. Health Services Research 2002;37:397-415. Population
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Larsen LH, Schou L, Lund HH, Langberg H. The Physical Effect of Exergames in Healthy Elderly-A Systematic Review. Games Health J 2013;2:205-12. Intervention
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Latham NK, Bennett DA, Stretton CM, Anderson CS. Systematic Review of Progressive Resistance Strength Training in Older Adults. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences 2004;59:48-61. Intervention
Latham NK, Bennett DA, Stretton CS, Anderson CA. Systematic review of progressive resistance training in older adults. J Geriatr Phys Ther.2002;25:28-2. Intervention
Lau R, Liao L, Yu F, Teo T, Chung R, Pang M. The effects of whole body vibration therapy on bone mineral density and leg muscle strength in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Provisional abstract). Clinical Rehabilitation 2011;25:975-88. Intervention
Laufer Y, Dar G, Kodesh E. Does a Wii-based exercise program enhance balance control of independently functioning older adults? A systematic review. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014;9:1803-13. Intervention
Lauritzen J, Pedersen PU, Sørensen EE, Bjerrum MB. The meaningfulness of participating in support groups for informal caregivers of older adults with dementia: a systematic review. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports 2015;13:373-433. Population
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Le Berre M, Maimon G, Sourial N, Guériton M, Vedel I. Impact of Transitional Care Services for Chronically Ill Older Patients: A Systematic Evidence Review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017. Intervention
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Learner NA, Williams JM. Can physical activity be used to maintain cognitive function in nursing home residents with dementia? A literature review. Physical Therapy Reviews 2016;21:184-91. Intervention
Lee AG. Community screening for visual impairment in older people. Community screening for visual impairment in the elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc 2001;49:673-5. Not a systematic review
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Lee J, Thyer BA. Does Music Therapy Improve Mental Health in Adults? A Review. J Hum Behav Soc Environ. 2013;23:591. Population
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Lee SH, Kim HS. Exercise interventions for preventing falls among older people in care facilities: A meta‐analysis. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2017;14:74-80. Intervention
Leegaard M, Utne I, Halvorsrud L, Valeberg BT, Torbjornsen A, Bjornnes AK, et al. A review of self-rated generic quality of life instruments used among older patients receiving home care nursing. Health Soc Care Community 2017. Setting
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Lehne G, Bolte G. Impact of universal interventions on social inequalities in physical activity among older adults: an equity-focused systematic review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2017;14:1-15. Intervention
Leung D, Chan C, Tsang H, Tsang W, Jones A. Tai chi as an intervention to improve balance and reduce falls in older adults: a systematic and meta-analytical review (Provisional abstract). Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2011;17:40-8. Intervention
Lewis M, Peiris CL, Shields N. Long-term home and community-based exercise programs improve function in community-dwelling older people with cognitive impairment: a systematic review. J Physiother. 2017;63:23-9. Intervention
Li H, Melnyk BM, McCann R. Review of intervention studies of families with hospitalized elderly relatives. J Nurs Scholarsh 2004;36:54-9. Domain
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Li Q, Babor TF, Hao W, Chen X. Detection And Assessment: The Chinese Translations of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in China: A Systematic Review. Alcohol and Alcoholism 2011;46:416-23. Population
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Liimatta H, Lampela P, Laitinen-Parkkonen P, Pitkala KH. Effects of preventive home visits on older people's use and costs of health care services: A systematic review. European Geriatric Medicine 2016;7:571-80. Intervention
Lin SF, Sung HC. The effectiveness of resistance training with thera band on physiological functions for older adults: A systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 2012;10:S239-48. Intervention
Lindqvist G, Håkansson A, Petersson K. Informal home caregiving in a gender perspective: a selected literature review. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research & Clinical Studies / Vård i Norden 2004;24:26-30. Intervention
Lipardo DS, Aseron AMC, Kwan MM, Tsang WWN. Effect of exercise and cognitive training on falls and fall-related factors in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2017. Intervention
Lischka A, Mendelsohn M, Overend T, Forbes D. A systematic review of screening tools for predicting the development of dementia (Structured abstract). Canadian Journal on Aging 2012;31:295-311. Domain
Littbrand H, Stenvall M, Rosendahl E. Applicability and effects of physical exercise on physical and cognitive functions and activities of daily living among people with dementia: a systematic review. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011;90:495-518. Intervention
Liu B, Liu ZH, Zhu HE, Mo JC, Cheng DH. Effects of tai chi on lower-limb myodynamia in the elderly people: a meta-analysis. J Tradit Chin Med 2011;31:141-6. Intervention
Liu C, Brost M, Horton V, Kenyon S, Mears K. Occupational therapy interventions to improve performance of daily activities at home for older adults with low vision: a systematic review (Provisional abstract). Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects 2013:279-87. Intervention
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Liu C-J, Becker J, Ford S, Heine K, Scheidt E, Wilson A. Effects of Upper-Extremity Progressive Resistance Strength Training in Older Adults: The Missing Picture. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics 2011;29:255-69. Intervention
Liu C-J, Brost MA, Horton VE, Kenyon SB, Mears KE. Occupational therapy interventions to improve performance of daily activities at home for older adults with low vision: A systematic review. Am J Occup Ther.2013;67:279-287. Intervention
Liu CJ, Latham N. Adverse events reported in progressive resistance strength training trials in older adults: 2 sides of a coin. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91:1471-3. Intervention
Liu CJ, Shiroy DM, Jones LY, Clark DO. Systematic review of functional training on muscle strength, physical functioning, and activities of daily living in older adults. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2014. Intervention
Liu H, Frank A. Tai chi as a balance improvement exercise for older adults: A systematic review. J Geriatr Phys Ther.2010;33:103-9. Intervention
Liu L, Stroulia E, Nikolaidis I, Miguel-Cruz A, Rios Rincon A. Smart homes and home health monitoring technologies for older adults: A systematic review. Int J Med Inform. 2016;91:44-59. Intervention
Liu PY, Brummel-Smith K, Ilich JZ. Aerobic exercise and whole-body vibration in offsetting bone loss in older adults. Journal of Aging Research 2011;2011. Intervention
Llewellyn P. The needs of people with learning disabilities who develop dementia: A literature review. Dementia (14713012) 2011;10:235-47. Population
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Lommi M, Matarese M, Alvaro R, Piredda M, De Marinis MG. The experiences of self-care in community-dwelling older people: A meta-synthesis. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015;52:1854-67. Intervention
Long A, Pumpa K, Cools S, Wells C. The Effectiveness of Pilates Exercise in Improving Balance in Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review...2016 ACRM / American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference 30 October - 4 November 2016, Chicago, IL. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2016;97:e39-e40. Intervention
Lonie JA, Kalu UG, Ebmeier KP. A Systematic Review of Cognitive Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment. Mind & Brain, The Journal of Psychiatry 2010;1:1-8. Intervention
Lopez Hartmann M, Wens J, Verhoeven V, Remmen R. Support services for informal caregivers of community-dwelling frail elderly: a systematic review. International J Integr Care(IJIC) 2012;12:1-1. Type of publication
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Lovarini M, Clemson L, Dean C. Sustainability of community-based fall prevention programs: A systematic review. J Safety Res. 2013;47:9-17. Intervention
Lozano-Montoya I, Correa-Perez A, Abraha I, Soiza RL, Cherubini A, O'Mahony D, et al. Nonpharmacological interventions to treat physical frailty and sarcopenia in older patients: a systematic overview - the SENATOR Project ONTOP Series. Clin Interv Aging 2017;12:721-40. Intervention
Lucke JF. Fall-Prevention Programs for the Elderly: A Bayesian Secondary Meta-analysis. CJNR: Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 2004;36:49-64. Intervention
Ludwig W, Wolf KH, Duwenkamp C, Gusew N, Hellrung N, Marschollek M, et al. Health-enabling technologies for the elderly--an overview of services based on a literature review. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2012;106:70-8. Not a systematic review
Lugnet K, Pohju A, Belqaid K, Brandt CF, Nielsen AL, Rasmussen NM, et al. MON-P116: Multidisciplinary Nutritional Intervention During Hospitalization and after Discharge in Elderly Patients - a Meta-Analysis. Clinical Nutrition 2016;35:S196-S196. Setting
Lunde L, Nordhus I, Pallesen S. The effectiveness of cognitive and behavioural treatment of chronic pain in the elderly: a quantitative review (Structured abstract). J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2009;16:254-62. Intervention
Lunsky Y, Tint A, Robinson S, Gordeyko M, Ouellette-Kuntz H. System-Wide Information About Family Carers of Adults With Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities-A Scoping Review of the Literature. Journal of Policy & Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 2014;11:8-18. Population
Lupari M, Coates V, Adamson G, Crealey GE. 'We're just not getting it right'- how should we provide care to the older person with multi-morbid chronic conditions? J Clin Nurs 2011;20:1225-35. Intervention
Luppa M, Luck T, Weyerer S, König H-H, Riedel-Heller SG. Gender differences in predictors of nursing home placement in the elderly: A systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics 2009;21:1015-25. Intervention
Lusardi MM, Fritz S, Middleton A, Allison L, Wingood M, Phillips E, et al. Determining Risk of falls in community dwelling older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis using posttest probability. J Geriatr Phys Ther.2017;40:1-36. Intervention
Luskin FM, Newell KA, Griffith M, Holmes M, Telles S, DiNucci E, et al. A review of mind/body therapies in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders with implications for the elderly. Altern Ther Health Med 2000;6:46-56. Intervention
Lü J, Fu W, Liu Y. Physical activity and cognitive function among older adults in China: A systematic review. Journal of Sport and Health Science 2016;5:287-96. Intervention
Lyons B. Nutrition Education Intervention with Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Research Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Community Health 2014;39:810-8. Intervention
Maayan N, Soares-Weiser K, Lee H. Respite care for people with dementia and their carers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014:Cd004396. Population
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MacCulloch PAMSABCANP, Gardner TMSABCGNP, Bonner AMSABCGNPF. Comprehensive Fall Prevention Programs Across Settings: A Review of the Literature. Geriatric Nursing 2007;28:306. Intervention
MacGregor D. Relationship between Self-Report and Performance Measures of Function: A Systematic Review. Canadian Journal on Aging 2006;25:253-70. Intervention
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Stubbs B, Schofield P, Binnekade T, Patchay S, Sepehry A, Eggermont L. Pain Is Associated with Recurrent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Evidence from a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pain Medicine 2014;15:1115-28. Intervention
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Thomas DK, Quinn MA, Saunders DH, Greig CA. Protein Supplementation Does Not Significantly Augment the Effects of Resistance Exercise Training in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2016;17:959.e1-959.e9. Intervention
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Toivonen K, Stolt M, Suhonen R. Nursing Support of the Spiritual Needs of Older Adults Living With Dementia: A Narrative Literature Review. Holist Nurs Pract 2015;29:303-12. Domain
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Wales K, Clemson L, Lannin N, Cameron I. Functional Assessments Used by Occupational Therapists with Older Adults at Risk of Activity and Participation Limitations: A Systematic Review. PLoS ONE 2016;11:1-20. Intervention
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Walsh J, Taylor-Piliae R, Wells R, Papp K, Donovan N, Yeh G. The Impact of Tai-Chi on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2014;20:A10-A11. Intervention
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Van Abbema R, De Greef M, Crajé C, Krijnen W, Hobbelen H, Van Der Schans C. What type, or combination of exercise can improve preferred gait speed in older adults? A meta-analysis. BMC geriatrics 2015;15:72. Intervention
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van Hoof J, Kort HS, van Waarde H, Blom MM. Environmental interventions and the design of homes for older adults with dementia: an overview. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2010;25:202-32. Not a systematic review
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van Weert JCM, van Munster BC, Sanders R, Spijker R, Hooft L, Jansen J. Decision aids to help older people make health decisions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making 2016;16:1-20. Intervention
Wang D, Chonody J. Social Workers' Attitudes Toward Older Adults: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Social Work Education 2013;49:149-72. Population
Wang F, Wu H, Huang C, Lun Z, Dong B. Psychotherapy for depression in older patients: a systematic review (Provisional abstract). Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 2008;8:1079-85. Intervention
Wang P, Liu H-H, Zhu X-T, Meng T, Li H-J, Zuo X-N. Action video game training for healthy adults: A meta-analytic study. Frontiers in Psychology 2016;7. Population
Wang X, Pi Y, Chen P, Liu Y, Wang R, Chan C. Cognitive motor interference for preventing falls in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Age & Ageing 2015;44:205-12. Intervention
Wang Y, Chang H, Lin C. Systematic review of yoga for depression and quality of sleep in the elderly (Provisional abstract). Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects 2014:85-92. Intervention
Wang Z, Shepley MM, Rodiek SD. Aging in Place at Home Through Environmental Support of Physical Activity: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Framework and Analysis. J Hous Elderly. 2012;26:338-54. Type of publication
Ward D, Drahota A, Gal D, Severs M, Dean TP. Care home versus hospital and own home environments for rehabilitation of older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008. Domain
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Warmoth K, Tarrant M, Abraham C, Lang IA. Older adults’ perceptions of ageing and their health and functioning: a systematic review of observational studies. Psychology, Health & Medicine 2016;21:531-50. Intervention
Vasilopoulou E, Nisbet J. The quality of life of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2016;23:36-49. Population
Watts C, Pei-Chun H. The Use of Horticulture-Based Programs to Promote Engagement for Older Adults with Dementia. Therapeutic Recreation Journal 2015;49:257-60. Not a systematic review
Vaughan M, LaValley MP, AlHeresh R, Keysor JJ. Which Features of the Environment Impact Community Participation of Older Adults? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Aging & Health 2016;28:957-78. Intervention
Wayne PM, Walsh JN, Taylor-Piliae RE, Wells RE, Papp KV, Donovan NJ, et al. Effect of Tai Chi on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014;62:25-39. Intervention
Weatherall M. Prevention of falls and fall-related fractures in community-dwelling older adults: a meta-analysis of estimates of effectiveness based on recent guidelines. Internal Medicine Journal 2004;34:102-8. Intervention
Webb CM, Carpenter J. What Can Be Done to Promote the Retention of Social Workers? A Systematic Review of interventions. Br J Soc Work. 2012;42:1235-55. Intervention
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Wells NM, Laquatra J. Why Green Housing and Green Neighborhoods Are Important to the Health and Well-Being of Older Adults. Generations 2009;33:50-7. Type of publication
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Vermeerbergen L, Van Hootegem G, Benders J. A comparison of working in small-scale and large-scale nursing homes: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence. Int J Nurs Stud. 2017;67:59-70. Population
Vermeulen J, Neyens JC, van Rossum E, Spreeuwenberg MD, de Witte LP. Predicting ADL disability in community-dwelling elderly people using physical frailty indicators: a systematic review. BMC Geriatr 2011;11:33. Domain
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Wilberforce M, Challis D, Davies L, Kelly MP, Roberts C, Loynes N. Person-centredness in the care of older adults: a systematic review of questionnaire-based scales and their measurement properties. Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics 2016;12:27-8. Domain
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Windle G, Hughes D, Linck P, Russell I, Woods B. Is exercise effective in promoting mental well-being in older age? A systematic review. Aging & Mental Health 2010;14:652-69. Intervention
Windle G. Does telecare contribute to quality of life and well-being for people with dementia? Journal of Dementia Care 2010;18:33-6. Not a systematic review
Winter H, Watt K, Peel NM. Falls prevention interventions for community-dwelling older persons with cognitive impairment: A systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics 2013;25:215-27. Intervention
Vlaeyen E, Coussement J, Leysens G, Van der Elst E, Delbaere K, Cambier D, et al. Characteristics and Effectiveness of Fall Prevention Programs in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015;63:211-21. Intervention
Vluggen T, Lexis M, Schuurman J, Schols J. The effect of functional training compared with resistance training on ADL performance and muscle strength in community dwelling elderly: a systematic review (Provisional abstract). Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fysiotherapie 2009;119:122-8. Intervention
Voigt-Radloff S, Ruf G, Vogel A, van Nes F, Hüll M. Occupational therapy for elderly: Evidence mapping of randomised controlled trials from 2004–2012. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 2015;48:52-72. Intervention
Wollesen B, Voelcker-Rehage C. Training effects on motor-cognitive dual-task performance in older adults: A systematic review. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2014;11:5-24. Intervention
Wolverson EL, Clarke C, Moniz-Cook ED. Living positively with dementia: a systematic review and synthesis of the qualitative literature. Aging & Mental Health 2016;20:676-99. Intervention
Won J, Lee C, Forjuoh SN, Ory MG. Neighborhood safety factors associated with older adults' health-related outcomes: A systematic literature review. Social Science & Medicine 2016;165:177-86. Domain
Wong IY, Smith SS, Sullivan KA, Allan AC. Toward the Multilevel Older Person's Transportation and Road Safety Model: A New Perspective on the Role of Demographic, Functional, and Psychosocial Factors. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences 2016;71:71-86. Intervention
Woods B. Review: reminiscence and life review are effective therapies for depression in the elderly. Evidence Based Mental Health 2004;7:81-81. Not a systematic review
Wooton AC. An integrative review of Tai Chi research: an alternative form of physical activity to improve balance and prevent falls in older adults. Orthop Nurs 2010;29:108-16; quiz 117-8. Intervention
Vries N, Ravensberg C, Hobbelen J, Olde RM, Staal J, Nijhuis-van dSM. Effects of physical exercise therapy on mobility, physical functioning, physical activity and quality of life in community-dwelling older adults with impaired mobility, physical disability and/or multi-morbidity: a meta-analysis (Structured abstract). Ageing Research Reviews 2012;11:136-49. Intervention
Wright-St Clair VA, Neville S, Forsyth V, White L, Napier S. Integrative review of older adult loneliness and social isolation in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Australas J Ageing 2017;36:114-23. Domain
Wu G, Keyes L, Callas P, Ren X, Bookchin B. Comparison of telecommunication, community, and home-based Tai Chi exercise programs on compliance and effectiveness in elders at risk for falls. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91:849-56. Intervention
Wu G. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Tai Chi for Improving Balance and Preventing Falls in the Older Population—A Review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2002;50:746-54. Intervention
Vu MQ, Weintraub N, Rubenstein LZ. Falls in the nursing home: are they preventable? J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2004;5:401-6. Intervention
Wu W-w, Kwong E, Lan X-y, Jiang X-y. The Effect of a Meditative Movement Intervention on Quality of Sleep in the Elderly: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2015;21:509-19. Intervention
Wu Y, MacDonald HV, Pescatello LS. Evaluating Exercise Prescription and Instructional Methods Used in Tai Chi Studies Aimed at Improving Balance in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016;64:2074-80. Intervention
Wu Y, Wang Y, Burgess EO, Wu J. The effects of Tai Chi exercise on cognitive function in older adults: A meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science 2013;2:193-203. Intervention
Wynne-Jones G. Sexuality in the elderly: a literature review. Assignment 2001;7:5-9. Not a systematic review
Wysocki A, Butler M, Kane RL, Kane RA, Shippee T, Sainfort F. AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Reviews. Rockville (MD), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2012. Not found
Yaffe MJ, Tazkarji B. Understanding elder abuse in family practice. Canadian Family Physician 2012;58:1336-40. Not a systematic review
Yang M, Ding X, Dong B. The Measurement of Disability in the Elderly: A Systematic Review of Self-Reported Questionnaires. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2014;15:150.e1-150.e9. Intervention
Yang PY, Ho KH, Chen HC, Chien MY. Exercise training improves sleep quality in middle-aged and older adults with sleep problems: A systematic review. J Physiother.2012;58:157-63. Intervention
Yeom HA, Keller C, Fleury J. Interventions for promoting mobility in community-dwelling older adults. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2009;21:95-100. Intervention
Yip MP, Sayre C, Lee J. Is Tai Chi effective in reducing falls among community dwelling older adults? Communicating Nursing Research 2013;46:604-604. Intervention
Yon Y, Mikton CR, Gassoumis ZD, Wilber KH. Elder abuse prevalence in community settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Glob Health 2017;5:e147-e156. Domain
Youkhana S, Dean CM, Wolff MOA, Sherrington C, Tiedemann A. Yoga-based exercise improves balance and mobility in people aged 60 and over: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Age & Ageing 2016;45:21-9. Intervention
Young J, Angevaren M, Rusted J, Tabet N. Aerobic exercise to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2015;4:CD005381. Intervention
Young K, Bunn F, Trivedi D, Dickinson A. Nutritional education for community dwelling older people: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Int J Nurs Stud. 2011;48:751-80. Intervention
YuJin K, Leveille S. Therapeutic Massage for the Treatment of Chronic Pain in Older Adults: A Systematic Literature Review. Nursing Research 2016;65:E17-E17. Intervention
Yun C, Abrahamson K. Does Exercise Impact Cognitive Performance in Community-dwelling Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment? A Systematic Review. Quality in Primary Care 2015;23:214-2. Intervention
Zanotto T, Bergamin M, Roman F, Sieverdes JC, Gobbo S, Zaccaria M, et al. Effect of exercise on dual-task and balance on elderly in multiple disease conditions. Curr Aging Sci 2014;7:115-36. Intervention
Zeng N, Pope Z, Lee JE, Gao Z. A systematic review of active video games on rehabilitative outcomes among older patients. Journal of Sport and Health Science 2017;6:33-43. Intervention
Zhang F, Kaufman D. Physical and Cognitive Impacts of Digital Games on Older Adults. J Appl Gerontol. 2016;35:1189-210. Intervention
Zhang XY, Shuai J, Li LP. Vision and relevant risk factor interventions for preventing falls among older people: A network meta-analysis. Scientific Reports 2015;5. Intervention
Zhao Y, Wang Y, Xu X, Liu Y. Effectiveness of Tai Chi in fall prevention and balance function in the elderly: a meta-analysis (Provisional abstract). Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 2013;13:339-45. Intervention
Zheng G, Xia R, Zhou W, Tao J, Chen L. Aerobic exercise ameliorates cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Br J Sports Med.2016;50:1443-50. Intervention
Zijlstra GAR, van Haastregt JCM, van Rossum E, van Eijk JTM, Yardley L, Kempen GIJM. Interventions to Reduce Fear of Falling in Community-Living Older People: A Systematic Review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007;55:603-15. Intervention
Zijlstra W, Fleiner T, Haussermann P, Leucht S, Förstl H. Effects of Short-Term Exercise Interventions on Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Patients with Dementia: A Systematic Review. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2017;55:1583-94. Intervention
Zozula A, Carpenter CR, Lipsey K, Stark S. Prehospital emergency services screening and referral to reduce falls in community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review. Emergency Medicine Journal 2016;33:345-50. Intervention
Zwijsen SA, Niemeijer AR, Hertogh CMPM. Ethics of using assistive technology in the care for community-dwelling elderly people: An overview of the literature. Aging & Mental Health 2011;15:419-27. Domain
Öhman H, Savikko N, Strandberg TE, Pitkälä KH. Effect of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review. Dementia & Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2014;38:347-65. Intervention

Tools for risk of bias assessment (in Swedish)

Steg 1. Är kriterier för vad som ska ingå tydliga? (PICO, inklusions- och exklusionskriterier skall vara angivet). Sökningen matchar populationen och interventionen och är väl genomförd och dokumenterad så att den kan återskapas. (AMSTAR 1 och 3).

Steg 2. Studiernas relevans har granskats av två oberoende personer på abstrakt och fulltextnivå och ett konsensusförfarande bör finnas beskrivet. De inkluderade studierna finns angivna. (AMSTAR 2 och 5).

Steg 3. Inkluderade studier är kvalitetsgranskade och kriterier för kvalitetsnivå ska finnas beskriven. Kvalitén, karakteristika och resultat på de respektive inkluderade studierna framgår tydligt och finns dokumenterade (AMSTAR 6 och 7).

Steg 4. Studierna har vägts samman i metaanalys eller metasyntes på ett korrekt sätt om detta var lämpligt, i annat fall beskrivits narrativt (AMSTAR 9).

Steg 5. Resultaten är evidensgraderade eller beskrivna i slutsatsen där hänsyn har tagits till studiernas kvalitet. I tillämpliga fall bör de även undersökt överförbarhet, samstämmighet, precision och risk för publikationsbias (AMSTAR 8 och 10).

Steg 6. Exkluderade studier finns dokumenterade, likaså författarnas jävsförhållanden. Protokoll för översikten finns. Författarna har angett om alla typer av publikationer omfattades av litteratursökningen. (AMSTAR 1, 4, 5 och 11).

Tables of studies with low or moderate risk of bias

Page published